展览时间:2011-05-21 ~ 2011-07-03
开幕时间:2011-05-21 15:00~18:00
—— 沃基特克•乌尔里克
All we have to do is move everything a bit forward, everything will stay the same and nothing will change, but nothing will ever be the same.
—— wojtek ulrich
今天的艺术家在工作中能够调动很多因素,并受到其他因素的影响,这个现象对艺术家来说意味着什么?不管怎样,必须预先对时下活跃的艺术家提出警告,让他们留心所谓政治艺术的修辞要求。政治艺术抛弃了对美学的追求,而屈从于教化的目的。正是在这一点上,道德的责任演变为教条的指令。艺术家能否关注美学的问题,同时以一种抵抗和确证的艺术活动在世界上发出自己的声音?人们可能会发现这种精神在受市场力量左右的当代艺术中非常稀少,而它恰恰正是艺术家沃基特克•乌尔里克(Wojtek Ulrich)身上一种基本的元素。
What does it mean for an artist to work today in the midst of the myriad forces he or she engages and is engaged by? The topical artist, however, needs to be forewarned of the rhetorical dictates of so-called politically engaged art that jettisons aesthetics and often succumbs to didacticism. It is at this point where the ethical imperative can become dogmatic directive. Can the artist engage the aesthetic dimension all the while addressing the world with an artistic practice of resistance and affirmation? However one may find a dearth of this geist in a contemporary art world consumed by market forces, it is the sine qua non of the artist Wojtek Ulrich.
Wojtek Ulrich plays many roles demanded of his protean art including that of architect, philosopher, anthropologist, sociologist, oceanographer, and zoologist, to name just a few of the disciplinary activities outside the boundaries of conventional artistic practice. This is adamantly underscored in his recent body of work in the exhibition simply titled Wojtek Ulrich. As with his other exhibitions, upon entering this particular show one is first struck by the diversity of media and the myriad themes that the artist engages.
—— Raul Zamudio
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