展览时间:2011-06-01 ~ 2011-06-07
开幕时间:2011-06-01 16:00
Project Ability——格拉斯哥青少年艺术组织(英国)、北京市朝阳区金羽翼残障儿童艺术康复服务中心、北京市孤独症儿童康复协会、北京ABC儿童康复训练中心、瓷娃娃关怀协会、中央工艺美院附中
总 策 划:于伟萍
项目总监:Laura Yuile(U.K.)
项目负责:Jeffery Stephen(U.S.A.) Jesse Perlstein(U.S.A.) 李胜男
本届艺术周主题——“森林计划” ,是由来自全球的“小艺术家”们和著名当代艺术家共同完成的15米巨幅作品“森林”的即兴创作。枝丫长成树木,树木汇成森林,森林是人类赖以生存的基石,同时也具有维护地球生命,改善人类生存环境的生态价值。森林是大自然最美丽的风景;森林是孩子们心中的艺术仙境。在活动过程中,让孩子们和艺术家一起进入艺术的梦工厂,体验绿色的能量,感受艺术的热力,鼓励和激发他们的想象力,进而更多的关注和热爱我们赖以生存的环境;也预示着我们未来的小主人们在社会各界的引导和关注下茁壮成长,成为社会栋梁。
《艺术对儿童时期创造力开发的重要性》讲座,主讲人:熊文韵老师 (2011.06.04 14:30)
《儿童画和各阶段的心理发展》讲座,主讲人:Jesse Perlstein (U.S.A.) (2011.06.05 14:30)
Curtain Time: 16:00PM, June 1st, 2011
Exhibition Date: June 1st - 7th, 2011
Location: 798 Space
(Ceramic 3 St. 798 Road, 798 Art Zone, No.4 Jiuxianqiao Road, Chaoyang District)
Hosted by: Thread International Children’s Art Training Centre &
Beijing’s 798 Art District Construction Committee
Special Guests:
Project Ability, Art organization, Glasgow, UK.
Golden wings disabled children's art rehabilitation service center,Beijing
Rehabilitation Association, Beijing, the official website of children with autism
ABC Children's Rehabilitation Centre, Beijing
CHINA-Dolls care and support association
The central academy of fine arts preparatory process
Western Academy of Beijing
Harrow International School Beijing
Canadian International School of Beijing
RYB-Cambridge Education International Kindergarten
HuanLeshu kindergarten, Beijing
Huijia kindergarten,Beijing
Miracle boy studio,Beijing
Beijing Children's Art Studio Color Box
Beijing Xiao Feixiong Children’s Fine arts Creation
Beijing happiness village children's art creative commune
3I Art Center
Hangzhou HuiMing education children's art center
Tianjin red cuckoo art school
Curatorial Consultant: Li Xianting
Producer: Yu Weiping
Project Director: Laura Yuile (U.K.)
Project Leaders: Jesse Perlstein (U.S.A.) Jeffery Stephen (U.S.A.) Li Shengnan
Media Leader: Chu Haina
798 International Children’s Art Week is co-presented by Beijing Art District Construction Committee and TCAT Thread International Children’s Art Centre. In and outside of Beijing’s art circles, with the support of juvenile, charity, and educational organizations, we have organized exhibitions and lectures that will make for an educational and art-filled Children’s Day.
Subject of the art week——“Forest Project” Young artists from all around the world and famous Chinese contemporary artists will be improvising a larger than life mural that will depict their interpretation of the “Forest”. Amongst the branches and trees, the forest is a fundamental cornerstone of life on Earth. It sustains all of Earth’s creatures in one way or another, improving ecological value and housing thousands of Earth’s most unique species. The forest can also be valued for its sheer aesthetic proportions; it is a virtual geological cornucopia of artistry. During the activity, children and artists will be falling into factory of dreams, where art (at its greenist) will be facilitated in an attempt to arouse their creativity and compassion. We hope to arouse ecological awareness in all our participants and audience members, by uniting Earth and art on a day that pays homage to our future: our children.
Simultaneously we will be holding a fairy tale-inspired children’s art exhibition. Children from both our own Beijing art community and from the far reaches of the globe have submitted work to exemplify the power of imagination and magic that resides within our children. The exhibition will pay close attention to the psychological development of children and how they choose to express themselves through means of color, forms and artistic exploration. We hope to shed light on the vulnerability of children and how their worldview can be shaped, and how their personalities can be developed and nurtured by art therapy.
TCAT Thread Children Art Training Center was founded in August 2010. Our vision and objective is to arouse children’s artistic creativity, inspire the potential of children’s intelligence, excavate children’s artistic potentiality, training outstanding international talents of art and infusing more fresh and active strength into Chinese Art Circles and Creativity Circles. We believe that these future masters will become towering trees in the forest of our community, and they will be carved into pillars of our society under the guidance and attention of all social circles.
We will also be holding the following lectures:
<Fairy Tale> children’s art exhibition
An exhibition that will pay close attention to children’s psychology and care groups for vulnerable children(2011.06.01-2011.06.07)
<The importance of art for children’s creation> Art Lecture Speaker: Xiong Wenyun teacher ( 14:30pm, June 4th , 2011)
<Words are not Enough: An exploration into art and its effects on the psychology and development of children> Speaker Jesse Perlstein (U.S.A) (14:30pm, June 5th, 2011)
We hope to see you then!
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