展览时间:2011-06-01 ~ 2011-08-21
参展艺术家:汉斯·欧普· 德·贝克、里奥· 维拉里尔、莫娜·哈透姆、乌戈·罗迪尼、塞格多尔·古德扬森、托马斯·鲁夫、尹秀珍、王功新、李青、高磊
开幕时间:2011-06-01 17:00
阿拉里奥画廊 (ARARIO GALLERY ) 北京空间将于2011年6月1日隆重推出今年首个大型群展《ALMOST TANGIBLE触摸》。此次展览汇集了活跃于当代艺术领域的10位中外艺术家,即将呈现的作品涵盖了多种媒介,包括油画、雕塑、装置、影像、图片等类型,试图最大程度的展现在全球化语境中,中西方艺术家的体验视角、创作方式、以及艺术语言的共异性。其中一部分欧洲艺术家的参展作品来自韩国阿拉里奥集团的藏品系列,将是首次在欧洲以外的地区进行展出。
“触摸”这一展览主题,试图探索的是“主体”与“他者”相遇的问题。在解构主义哲学大师雅克·德里达 (J.Jacques Derrida)那里,触感,仅是一种生命的潜能,而不是现实的,如果不与他者相遇,它就什么都不是。触觉比视觉更加根本,或者说,听觉、视觉、味觉等感官机制都可以还原到触觉。那么,在所有在场性的触觉当中,如何让我们的身体摆脱传统的与他者接触的法则,以获取在与整个外部世界的关联中不断增加的可能性(未知性)和意义? 在此,艺术写作与阅读本身或许还需还原到一种“触摸”的方式,强调感觉,强调对未知的、不可见、不可触、神秘性的探索。阿拉里奥本次展览期望能引导观者进行一次捕捉触感踪迹的尝试, 让我们用触摸和冲撞去替代精密的大脑和可视的眼睛,不断的打开和超越界限,以把握某种不断变异和朝向未来的方向。
Arario Gallery Beijing is honored to present this year’s first major group exhibition, Almost Tangible. This exhibition gathers 10 engaging international artists to present their artworks in various artistic mediums such as, oil painting, sculpture, installation, video and photography, in an attempt to reveal the common differences on experiential perspectives, creative mode and artistic language between artists in the East and West under the global context. European Artists’ artworks, a part of exhibiting artworks are selected from the ARARIO Gallery COLLECTION of Korea that will be showcased for the first time outside of Europe.
Almost Tangible attempts to explore the encounter of the "subject" and the "other".and the inbetween of the "Reality"and the "Surreality".According to the philosopher of deconstruction, Jacques Derrida, tangibility (Touch) is not a reality but a potential of life that does not exist unless it encounters with the other. Tangibility (Touch) is more fundamental than visuality, in other words, hearing, sight, taste and other senses can be restored to touch. Then, how do we allow our bodies to depart from the existing rules of contact with others among all in situ tangible contacts in order to increase the possibility (unknown) and significance with the outside world? Hereby, artistic writing and appreciation perhaps need to return to a “tangible(Touch)” mode, that emphasize senses, and its exploration on the unknown, invisible, untouchable and the enigmatic. This exhibition presented by Arario Gallery aims to guide the audience to capture traces of our senses, by using the tangible and contacts to replace our accurate intelligence and visual perception, so we would open up and break boundaries in order to take command of the ever changing tendency of the future.
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