展览时间:2011-05-28 ~ 2011-06-26
此次参展的艺术家中,金昌烈受之东方教育,西方的批评家都从禅宗及庄子的哲学来解读他的水珠及背景的汉字。而金昌烈本人寡言、朴实且富有睿智,与其作品的干净平和有着密切的连结;任小林的创作秉承了中国的文化传统,如春宫图及壁画。他的性格倾向阴柔、 平和、慵懒。这些因素造成了他作品中那类似仕女画的意味;苏旺伸个性纯朴,深居简出,因生长在台湾,对这片土地有着很深的感情。他用东方隐喻式的构图,将这片土地的政治生态和生活状态勾勒出来;李容德的作品有着很东方的道学深度,他也常常在生活中自我检视:质疑“眼中看到的就是事实吗? 我所感触的所感受的所认识的就是事实吗?”;女性艺术家严玉璟长期以写实来表现传统,而在艺术家不断的发掘自身当中,她发现了自身的幸福所在:“从小在祖父祖母怀里度过童年的我,在追求幸福这一点上和别人有一些不同。我尤其喜欢传统民画中体现出来的特殊魅力,它们让我开始做和传统东方文化思想有关的创作。”;涂少辉的创作结合古今,表现中国文人内涵的同时,又重新审视传统,将传统再次变革;而刘智峰作为年轻的知识分子,对传统有着特殊的向往,也满怀对社会现状的不满及理想。从他的作品中既能感受到文人的气质,也不乏文人的批判。
Rediscover New Literati Painting
"Literati Painting", also known as "Southern School" of Chinese Painting often refers to those art works completed by literati or scholar-bureaucrat. Most of the time, this definition denotes to the identity of the artist rather than the content of the works. After a long period of exploration and discussion, "New Literati Painting" has developed. Though deeply rooted in the traditional subjects and styles at the end of feudal society, New Literati Painting does not bound by the traditional rules and concepts. The new literati painters often express their emotions through brush-strokes, and further show their understandings of eastern and western culture, and knowledge of traditional and modern life.
Amongst the artists of this exhibition, Korean artist Kim Tschang Yeul was deeply influenced by oriental culture. Western critics often see philosophy of Zen and Tao behind the water-drops and Chinese characters in his paintings. The artist is humble, sincere, and quiet, which are the characteristics reflect in his calm, tranquil and peaceful paintings.Ren Xiaolin's art works share the same features with traditional Chinese folk arts like erotic illustrations and frescoes. Ren Xiaolin’s feminine, quietness and indolence made his work more like an ancient portraits of beautiful women.
Living a secluded life in Taiwan, Su Wongshen possesses unsophisticated personality. With oriental compositions and metaphors, the artist shows the political environment and living status of his beloved home land within his paintings.Lee Yong Deok's works are often with deep philosophy of Taoism. The artist always asks himself: "Whether what I see, what I feel and what I touch is real?"
Realistic painting is the technique that female artist Eom Ok-Kyun used to represent old traditions. But later she found her own happiness through traditional folk art: "I spent my childhood with my grandparents. I still have a vivid memory of the traditional embroidery and pattern. I'm especially addicted to traditional folk arts which inspire my creation."The art works of Tu Shaohui is both traditional and modern. While those art works show the best of traditional literati's characters, they also challenge the idea of traditional Chinese ink paintings.As a young intellectual who yearn for traditional culture, Liu Zhifeng shows the quality of literati through his resentment against the status quo and social ideal. From his work we can see the criticism of a scholar and temperament of literati.
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- 2011-06-05 ~ 2011-07-08童话故事,月亮,与逃跑的汤匙——2011索卡好样青年艺术家征件联展