展览时间:2011-06-01 ~ 2011-06-08
策 展 人:Ali McInnes(英国) 、梁庆
参展艺术家:Émilie Sévère、Stéphanie Saadé
开幕酒会:2011-06-01 (周三) 18:30
此次展览的两位艺术家都用各自的方式表达了自己眼中的山水,她们不约而同地取材我们身边的平凡景色却表现出两种截然不同的风貌。黎巴嫩艺术家Stéphanie Saadé的作品充满了安静的神秘,在她的摄影里,中国的山石因为陌生化的缘故被放大以至于被赋予了一层庄严神秘的色彩,在我们看来平凡至极的石头,在她的镜头里却忽然变得严肃和崇高起来。另一位法国艺术家Émilie Sévère则用混合了东西的方式在中国的丝绢上描绘出另一种新图景,她的山水里隐藏了许多不为人所见的谜样,在她看来,面纱和掩盖同时也在揭示和显现,这倒有点应了我们所谓的“欲盖弥彰”。
In the Aesthetics, Hegel refers to mystery as that which is perpetually veiled. Penetrated, or rather pushed, the veil affects two, apparently opposite but nonetheless consistent dynamics. Not only does it embody mystery (draping and describing its forms), but at the same time – as it veils - it conceals. As long as the veil remains present, something that remains un-seen.
The exhibition New Layer––––Vues to Resolve is a proposal, taking first the notion landscape, or at least topography or strata, and alluding to the subject’s relevance today, especially as regards the unique space and implications of its representation. The View (Vue) of the title implies activity. Not stasis - but contemplative enactment. Facing borders, it is the task of the spectator to look on.
The work displayed represents the recent production of two artists: Stephanie Saadé and Emilie Sévère. Their engagements, building upon the aforementioned proposition, opening potentials far broader than the initial premises suggest.
The exhibition is curated by Liang Qing Ali McInnes.
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