展览时间:2011-06-18 ~ 2011-07-09
策 展 人:杨卫
开幕时间:2011-06-18 15:30~17:30
Gathering of Heroes
——prefacing ‘Splendor’Ten Peoples Contemporary Art Exhibition.
I use splendiferous as title of this exhibition as the word shows the interplay between its original meaning and its figurative significance.
From origin of the word we find it signifying ‘containing or carrying dazzling brightness’ and gradually it becomes to mean full of splendor, this is definitely not a word you may often encounter in everyday life, yet I find it most precisely designate the spirit of our exhibition. We exhibit works of ten artists; as ten in Chinese is a number standing for comprehensiveness we hope the audience will find this comprehensive character as ten artists will carry their splendor to you. The other significance of splendiferous is the brilliance ‘contained’ in each artist, each of the ten artists shows in their works their unique style, just like a poem says ‘one man, the world he lives in, one flower, the heaven it blossoms’.
Usually, exhibitions of a subject matter emphasize similarities among artists so that one can tell the subject matter from works of those several similar artists; this exhibition is to the contrary, the subject matter is constituted by differences among those artists, so that each individual artist shows his own style and creativity. This hodgepodge layout certainly bears on the open mind of the chief of gallery Yang. As promoter of Chinese contemporary art, Miss Yang endeavours at showing the multitude the resourcefulness of it. In fact, Chinese contemporary art has in recent years changed drastically, firstly, on slimming down of form of consciousness; Chinese contemporary art no longs flatters the west by expressing a different kind of form of consciousness, but is going back to its proper cultural context and becoming a kind of humanistic narrative of everyday life. The abundant possibilities of everyday life cultivate the richness of Chinese contemporary art and the latter displays the complex characteristic that are constantly changing under different perspective of readings from the audience. This exhibition tries to show such a diversity, though there are only ten participated artists, they are all exemplars, combined together they cover almost the thirty years of the history of Chinese contemporary art.
Yue Min Jun is an icon of Chinese contemporary art, the celebrated symbol smile that he created has long been held in esteem. This time Yue is not continuing his logo smile but adopt only its burlesque approach to show a new ready-made instrument. He bought innumerable toilet scrubbing brushes and put a form to place them, entitling this work “making acquaintance with Marcel Duchamp”, in deconstructing legend in art history he is also restoring art to everyday life of the folks.
Wang Chuang is the good old Bolsheviks of Chinese contemporary art, he engaged in ‘soiled in country painting’ in his early days and became the pioneer of Chinese new art. After ’85 new mode’ Wang got completely rid of painting the concrete and started to try to draw the abstract and was inspired by this experience of modernity. Wang shows his newest works in this exhibition and we can follow steps after the artist in it of his life-experience of transcending the realism.
Liu Hong was classmate of Wang Chuan in college as well as representative of Chinese female art, her early works tend to the body in first person perspective and was strongly swayed by the will to affirm the self. Her newer works turn to the outside world but still take as the subject the fate of women, with profound cultural self-examination.
Pan De Hai, a key person in ’85 new mode’, had set his fame by “corns pulled apart” series. Later he extracted his visual language style from this series and applied it to the society, from concept to the concrete, developed a new vista of human beings.
Chen Wen Ling is one of key people who bring Chinese artists from modern sculpture to contemporary sculpture. His works refer to all situations a man faces, employing exaggeration, he brings back the ridiculous to the world we live in and force us to confront embarrassments and angst of our existences.
He Wen Ju is the representative of the ‘born after the seventies’ artists, his drew at first people swimming, expressing anxieties that people experience under contingencies of material conditions, later his turns to discovery of remembrance, through depicting scenes relevant to old films, he not only leads his art language to the hidden history but also
found witnesses of coming of age for the whole generation that he is a member.
Wu Ming Zhong is a serendipity that Chinese contemporary art world has just received recently. His singularity consists in his creating an art expressive method fabricated of glass, through this means he projects in his glacial world our world and remind us of the fragility of our situations.
Yu Fan is a Don Quixote among Chinese contemporary artists. He concentrates over years on mutations of mode of things, this is most eminent in his refashioning ancient Chinese furniture employing new fabrications, which not only stimulate traditional aesthetic value, but endow also to the moderns a touch of the gentleness of classical age.
Chen Zhuo and Huang Ke Yi is a team of artists. In the last several years they have cooperated to create several large scale concept photograph, the grandeur of its force and abundance of its images have both moved us to appreciate the team’s ambition of creativity and bold cultural vision.
Feng Feng is a ‘conservative’ among Chinese artists, his works root deeply in the historical context of China, carrying itself with ‘Chinese spirit’.
……..it can be seen that works of the ten artists all stand for different types in contemporary Chinese art. I entitle the exhibition ‘splendiferous’ not only for the difference of their types, more importantly are their being exemplars. It is not inappropriate, based on their being representative of Chinese contemporary art, that I call their splendor.
So be the preface.
At Tong Zhou June 1st, 2011
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