展览时间:2011-07-09 ~ 2011-08-27
展览地点:C.NA gallery
策 展 人:Carol
参展艺术家:Carmen Spera
开幕酒会:2011-07-09 (周六) 16:00
在过去的35年里,卡门(Carmen Spera)推动着世界艺术设计领域的新探索,其创作主题从古典神话到当今媒体的头版无所不包。他的作品运用各种让人惊讶的介质包括油漆、纸、玻璃、金属、木头和水泥,充满了丰富的视觉想象力、敏锐的理解力。
For the past 35 years Carmen Spera has engaged the worlds of art and design exploring subject matter ranging from ancient myths to the front pages of today’s newspapers. His work is visually rich and keenly intelligent and it utilizes an impressive range of mediums including paint, paper, glass, metal, wood and cement.
Spera’s most recent sculptural series, "Guns & Roses" is a bravura demonstration of his abilities. The "Guns" are complex multi-chambered renditions of automatic weapons made from kiln formed glass and filled to overflowing with exuberantly colored synthetic flowers. Sometimes
the guns are further embellished with bejeweled logos of legendary luxury brands like Cartier and Chanel, with which he raises questions of desire, authenticity, and value. Spera’s sculptures acknowledge the seductive allure that guns hold in a world more often ruled by weapons than reason.
As an artist Carmen Spera is armed with only the persuasive power of his creative voice. His weapons are ideas and his ammunition is beauty. Rather than exalting the cult of consumerism and violence, the "Guns & Roses" sculptures are intended to make us question these icons of death. Spera, like the biblical prophet Isaiah, urges us "to beat swords into plowshares."
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