展览时间:2011-07-09 ~ 2011-08-07
策 展 人:谢曹闽
开幕酒会:2011-07-09 15:00
催眠是精神分析师在进行治疗的时候, 通过调动人被意识压抑下的无意识,将蕴藏在人体内潜在的能力发挥出来的一种方法。此次展览的主题“催眠”旨在以此种的方法去探讨隐藏在文化符号下的海峡两岸当代艺术中的个体性话语。
Hypnosis is a mental state during the hypnotherapy when the hypnotist unleashed the inner potential of the patient through calling out the repressed unconsciousness by his/her consciousness. Hypnosis, the title also the theme of this exhibition in here is using this method to treat and discuss the individual discourse concealed under the cultural symbol of both Taiwan and Mainland‘s contemporary art.
As today’s atmosphere, domination of political ideology is gradually weakened and individual consciousness keeps expanding; artistic creativity always is the bond of spirit experience of individuality of artists under unconsciousness. We use the concept “hypnosis” to give a close analyze of varies photographs and video installations works by artists from both sides of the straits; we evade concepts such us geographical or political difference in order to emerge and analyze individual psychological disparity of artists when facing “Culture identity” problems. Here by using this concept to break through their pursuing of imagery of culture identity when artists are in their conscious sphere. Then delve into the underlying individual energy in their unconscious level.
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