展览时间:2011-07-02 ~ 2011-08-07
2011年7月2日—8月7日,九十九度艺术中心将推出“意由心生——四人联展” 。
“State of Mind—Four Artists Group Show” will be hold in 99 Degree Art Center from July 2 to August 7.
There is a saying in Chinese that a person's face is shaped by their heart, meaning that their face reflects their state of mind and events recently encountered. Artistic conceptions, too, grow from the heart, so that the conception presented in a painting makes it possible to feel the mood and the outlook of the artist at the time of its creation.
The works showing here, by four artists Chiu Hsiente, Alan Chiang, Lo shyh-Charng, Jan Chin shui all reflect this idea. Viewers who give their attention to these works will sense the psychological activity of the artists during the creative process, which took place under the influence of intense stimulation, visually and emotionally, that they received from the external environment.
This exhibition provides a platform for viewers to make a direct interaction with the artist in spirit, and welcome art lovers like you join the show.
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- 2011-06-11 ~ 2011-07-10祭坛
- 2011-06-18 ~ 2011-07-20理想与激情:张文新、张谊绘画展
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- 2011-07-10 ~ 2011-09-09初伏 摄影展
- 2011-07-17 ~ 2011-09-02风景——萧昱个展
- 2011-06-16 ~ 2011-07-10末端间的对话
- 2011-06-18 ~ 2011-07-18惊蛰——张哲溢个展
- 2011-06-25 ~ 2011-07-05生之尘——韩淑英版画作品展