展览时间:2011-06-25 ~ 2011-08-28
2011年6月25日至8月28日长征空间推出新展览《A C T ► T I O N 》
如果仅仅把一次以影像媒材为主的展览看作是观者与创作者之间的视觉交流空间,就忽视了展览策划、组织和调整等一系列工作本身所带有的象征性和表演性(Performativity)。而它们所带动的可能远远超出当前的想象——因此,为既定目标和对象作出各种举动的表达、各种“act(表演)”需要转化为产生主体的行动“to act”,而整个持续不断进行的过程才是真正的“Action(行动)”。作为创作主体的艺术家是广义上的艺术家,是敢于以最激进的态度,根据自我对当前社会境遇的细微体验,重新理解、使用和提升“媒介”的概念,开放被封闭起来的认识——发掘在固有认知标准下无法认识到的种种人文资源、社会资源。
Long March Space is pleased to announce its new exhibition A C T ► T I O N
June 25, 2011-August 28, 2011
Selected recent video, photography and other multimedia works by artists Chen Chieh-Jen, MadeIn Company, Huang Ran, Liu Wei, Xu Zhen, Wang Jianwei, Wu Shanzhuan and Zhou Xiaohu collectively construct a visual dimension evoking reinterpretation of their works.
This group of artists is well established and highly respected in the Chinese contemporary art scene, communicating with their works in a language their audience is familiar with. In A C T ► T I O N, an exhibition focusing on the mediating quality of multimedia, the viewers are provided with a fresh perspective to rediscover the complexity and dynamism obscured by the prescribed interpretation of the work. A C T ► T I O N attempts to inspire new possibilities by reconfiguring the relationship between the past (previously created work) and the eternal present (the ever-changing subjectivity of the author/artist).
The works are linked not by the “medium” of video (the physical carrier of this transmission), but rather the artists seek to re-understand, re-use and raise questions about the extension of human thought and action itself – “media”. An effective “extension” must solidify and promote a unified value and judgment. This closed power system is omnipresent and could be seen as an apt description for how the contemporary art world functions.
If A C T ► T I O N is merely regarded as a multimedia exhibition, an environment only for the visual communication between the artist and the viewer, the symbolism and performativity derived from the curatorial narrative, organization and adjustment are at risk of being overlooked. Possibilities brought about by this performativity may far surpass anything we could currently imagine. Therefore, expressions and acts carried out for various purposes and objects should be transformed into the bearer and executor of the action in order “to act”. The ongoing process is precisely the authentic “action”.
Artists who take themselves as the creative subject are artists in the broadest sense, daring to challenge the singular narrative and exploring the possibilities of untapped human cultural and social resource through the subtle experiences of the contemporary social condition.
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