展览时间:2011-07-02 ~ 2011-08-31
策 展 人:钟旭东
由东磊影像画廊主办“《痕》 — 秦文摄影个展”将于7月2日(周六)下午三时在东磊影像画廊开幕。
Mark-Qin Wen Photography Solo Exhibition
Gallery: ME Photo Art Gallery - Middle First St. 798 Art Zone, Beijing
Contact: email@mephotoart.com Tel: 010-59785263
Opening: July 2, 2011 (Sat) 15:00
Date: Jul. 2 – Aug. 31, 2010
Curater : Edward Chung
The exhibition “Mark - Qin Wen Photography Solo Exhibition” will be opening at ME Photo Art Gallery on July 2, 2011 (Sat, 15:00).
Throughout the course of development of human civilization, we continue to use our "intelligence" to change our living environment. We always think we are smarter than our predecessors and wisdom. We change the future of immense interest, which reflects our psychological expectations, anxiety and even fear. We build walls on top of mountains, in the vast land we build shelter. On the smooth flow river, we built dams… Road, railway, runway ... year after year, generation of re-generation. We repeat this behavior. Our success today will soon be shaping out by new generations. With brilliant and without regret destruction every previous traces.
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