展览时间:2011-07-02 ~ 2011-07-23
策 展 人:车飞
参展艺术家:谭思考、季铁男、车飞、李虎、Wolfs & Jung、Robert Mangurian & Mary-Ann Ray with BASEbeijing、L+J+J+F+Z
开幕时间:2011-07-02 17:00
2010年8月,X field墨尔本展览和2011年4月X field首尔展览成功举办后,2011年7月X field北京即将在798超城空间(CU space)展出。本次展览邀请活跃于北京的独立建筑师,艺术家,设计师,研究者参与。此外,还将同时展出X field在墨尔本与首尔的展览作品。本次展览的具体成果还将会体现在澳大利亚编辑出版的X field系列丛书,以及国内专业纸质媒体与网络媒体上。
关于“跳城”:在二次世界大战中,美军在太平洋战争中,发明了“蛙跳”战术,攻击日本军队驻守的岛屿。中国的改革开放同样为中国发展制定了跳跃式的发展目标,例如:城市化目标,小康目标,现代化目标,GDP目标等等。不仅如此,在市场经济发展中的中国的城市化很大部分是通过将城市土地的使用权私有化来实现的,并在2007年最终得到了物权法的确定和保障。这样的城市化采取了城市蛙跃的方式,将“资本青蛙”所跳之处转变为岛状私有空间。伴随着这一运动的是城市居住者的居住环境的不确定性,以及由此引发的不断迁移。类似于“资本青蛙”的城市蛙跃的战略,这类因环境转变或拆迁引发的普通人在同一城市中不断迁移的城市现象,被我称之为“城跳”(city jumper)。而这个充满了“城跳”现象的城市或街区,也就可以称之为“跳城”。“跳城”这个在地理学上接近欧美国家城市化发展中的移民与流动性的概念,因其具有明显的内向性特征,因而成为一种独特的移民与流动性的概念,并具有显著的中国特征。
Continuing the X FIELD- Melbourne & Seoul Exhibition successfully hosted in Aug. 2010 and April 2011, X_FIELD: Beijing is planned to be exhibited in CU Space 798. The exhibition will focus on the emerging new Chinese urbanity especially about Beijing. Prominent Beijing-based are independent architects, artists, theorists and designers. In additional X field Beijing exhibition will also show some works which were exhibited in Melbourne and Seoul. The results of the exhibition will be published in the X_FIELD series of catalogues in Australia and also professional magazine in China.
Jumping City
About “Jumping City”: during the 2nd. World War, the US army created a “leapfrog” strategy in the Pacific War to attack the Japanese army-based islands. Chinese reform and open policy has also set leaping development goals, such as the urbanization goal, the well-off goal, the modernization goal, the GDP goal etc. Additionally, Chinese urbanization has been realized primarily through the privatization of land tenure in the market-economy development which was confirmed and ensured by “Property Law” in 2007. This kind of urbanization is a form of urban leapfrog that has been transferring the jumped area of the “capital frog” into an island-like private space. In the wake of this movement follows an indeterminacy of the residential environment for urban residents that causes continuous mobility. Like the urban leapfrog strategy of the “capital frog”, the phenomenon of the residents continuously moving within the same city because of such condition changes or demolition is called “city jumper” by CHE Fei. And the city or urban block, full of “city jumper” phenomena can be called “Jumping City”. “Jumping City”, geographically similar to the concept of immigration and mobility in European and American urban development, becomes a unique concept about immigration and mobility with a prominent Chinese character because of its distinctly introverted traits.
In this case, the exhibition Jumping City is site-based studing on new upcoming urbanity of Beijing, and concerning about: Blur, Temporary, Open and Mobility.
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