展览时间:2011-07-09 ~ 2011-08-06
开幕酒会:2011-07-08 (周五) 18:00~20:00
Gallery EXIT 安全口画廊将在7月9日至8月6日期间举行《上面有树木》。四位年轻香港艺术家:智海、吴家俊、吴鋌灝和邓啟耀,将对杨心广的艺术品作出回应。正如杨的作品《下面有石头》探讨他画室所处郊外与城市的交界,参展艺术家也用独特的手法,探讨和反映他们周围的环境和生活。
透过《Fall》艺术兼漫画家智海尝试描写一个直觉的世界 - 平静又忧心,丰足又飢渴,满怀盼望但又思乡。这作品是某个平行宇宙的记忆,令观眾逃脱城市的法界,让他们感受那刻稍瞬即逝的寧静。吴家俊承接往用现成物作标题的风格,使用数个木锤柄子,於末端雕了几间小房子,而创作灵感来自四川的钉子户。他籍此表达不同的矛盾状态:如保育与毁坏之拉据,国家政权与个人人权之衝突。吴鋌灝的《树叶落下之前》是一件活动式装置,以杨心广的《树叶.二》為创作起点。《树叶·二》是一块被尖锐树枝贯穿的树叶,它模糊了「蓄意」与「巧合」的区别。 吴的《树叶落下之前》利用机动装置驱动一片树叶像波浪般缓慢地飘浮着,呈现一片树叶的生命重量。邓啟耀是一位重视过程的艺术家。他用录像机记录自己誊写中国山水画。他尝试条分缕析绘画中国山水画之步骤与细节,把它转化成行為和录像艺术,从而探察当今这门传统艺术蜕变的意义。
There Are Trees Above
Chihoi, Landscape 2, 2010, pencil on paper, 42 x 59.4 cm
9 July - 6 August, 2011
Artists: Chihoi, Hei NG Ka Chun, Roy NG Ting Ho, Frank TANG Kai-yiu and YANG Xinguang
Opening Reception: Friday, 8 July 2011, 6 - 8 pm
Gallery EXIT, 1 Shin Hing Street, Central, Hong Kong
Hours: Tue - Sat, 1100 - 1900
Gallery EXIT is pleased to present There Are Trees Above from July 9 to August 6, 2011. Four young Hong Kong artists, Chihoi, Hei NG Ka Chun, Roy NG Ting Ho, Frank TANG Kai-yiu will present responses to the works of Beijing-based artist YANG Xinguang. Just as Yang's There Are Stones Below negotiates the boundaries between rural and the urban, each artists' works are their unique approaches to their surroundings.
In Fall, Chihoi illustrates an intuitive world where one encounters a landscape of peace and worry, abundance and cravings, hopes for the future but also nostalgia. It is, in a sense, a recollection of a parallel world for which the audience can escape the regime of the city and be rendered in silence. Hei Ng's installation consists of hammers with houses sculpted out of their handles. With reference to the Nail House in Sichuan, the artist plays on the oxymoron between preservation and destruction, the antagonism between the power of the state and the integrity of a common person. Roy Ng's kinetic installation is inspired by Yang Xinguang's Leaf 2, where a pierced leaf on a sharpened branch blurs the threshold between deliberate and coincidental. Before leaf falls mimics a leaf surfing through the current. Frank Tang is a process-oriented artist. Through the medium of video, Tang captures himself replicating Chinese ink landscapes. By deconstructing the practice of painting and exporting it into the terrain of performance and video art, the artist investigates the changing meaning of such traditional practice in the contemporary setting.
The local artists are available for interview upon request and will be present at the opening reception.
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