展览时间:2011-07-02 ~ 2011-08-03
参展艺术家:陆平原、张乐华、吴梦、Emre Kuheylan
开幕时间:2011-07-02 17:00~20:00
《加油站》是vanguard画廊从2008年开始的一个与不同的年轻艺术家合作的长期项目。顾名思义,“加油站”是一个能量补给站,让年轻的艺术家们能在这个项目中充分发挥其潜能进行艺术创作,同时也可以让艺术家之间的交流更加紧密。Vanguard画廊也希望在与不同年轻艺术家合作的过程中,进一步了解年轻的思维与新奇的关注视角,进而与更多的年轻艺术家建立长期的合作。今年是这个项目的第四年,我们邀请了4位艺术家:陆平原、张乐华、吴梦、Emre Kuheylan(土耳其),这次将会展出他们的摄影,绘画,行为及相关录像等作品。
张乐华此次展出的科普宣传画透露着艺术家面对现实生活的一种幽默和玩世不恭的态度。严肃的科普宣传画形式却传递着关于情色的内容。在这种矛盾和混乱中,也让观众进行了再思考。名为《喊叫绘画速成教学》(A Speed-up Educational Program of Shout Painting)的录像作品中,不同身份背景的人一边作画一边喊叫。这种仿若“巫术”的仪式中,艺术显得神秘却也可笑。“艺术谓何?”的根本性问题再次被抛出。
Emre Kuheylan是一位来自土耳其的年轻摄影师,其照片在纪实的风格中,却带着一种戏剧的张力,仿若“安静的暴风眼”一般。摄影师利用烟雾等现实情景,制造出亦真亦假的朦胧感,土耳其这一神秘国度的生活图景慢慢在我们眼前展现。
Gas Station 4
Vanguard Gallery
R204, Bldg.4A, 50 Moganshan Rd, Shanghai 200060
Opening; 5-8pm July 2nd
Duration: July 2nd till August 3rd
Artists: Lu Pingyuan, Zhang Lehua, Wu Meng, Emre Kuheylan
021-5252 2551 Tues-Sun. 11am-6pm
Gas station, launched in 2008, is a long-term project, aiming to cooperate with different young artists. Just as its name implies, “Gas station” is an energy station, offering the space where young artists can develop their full potential of artistic creation and deepen their communication with each. Via “Gas station”, Vanguard gallery shall have further understanding of artists’ fresh idea and particular angle, then widen its cooperation scope. Gas station now enters its fourth year. In the coming exhibition, we have invited four young artists: Lu Pingyuan, Zhang Lehua, Wu Meng, Emre Kuheylan(Turkey),featuring works in photography, painting, behavior art and related vedio.
Lu Pingyuan pours his enthusiasm into the daily tiny aspects and does his works with mixed media language. Behavior work “the fire youth” is his thought about fire, which is the point between existence and disappearance, turning thing to ashes suddenly. Though it, Lu represent his anxiety and uneasiness.
Zhang Lehua’s science publicity paintings show his sense of humor when facing real life. The conflicts between the serious form and the pornographic content make the audience re-consider their life. In the video work named “A Speed-up Educational Program of Shout Painting”, painters with different background are screaming while painting. Witchcraft –like ceremony makes art mysterious and funny. “What is art” is questioned in this work.
Wu Meng ‘s “Play Fire” series are the documentary of her behavior art. Five pointed star formed wire is fired and burning up. On the other side, the same shaped kite is flying in the sky. The five pointed star possesses its signification in Chinese culture unconsciousness. Wu Meng arouse the question how does its meaning change today in this work.
Emre Kuheylan is a young photographer from Turkey. His documentary photo works with dramatic power are like a “silent storm eye”. He is good at use the elements in actual life like frog to create a dummy reality world. Then the life in mysterious Turkey unfolds before us.
The exhibition will be on view through July 2nd till August 3rd.
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