展览时间:2011-07-02 ~ 2011-08-07
Vladimir Simonovich Pesikov is a typical realistic painter, from whose artworks, we could see the eternal vitality of realism.
The painter doesn’t have his landscape paintings limited in pure and rational reoccurrence. Every tiny brush stroke in the paintings looks random and arbitrary, yet natural and exquisite, showing the authentic nature. Most of his subjects are simple: pathway in countryside, cabin, haystack, river banks, boats, etc. The painter has been enjoying in showing the beauty of landscape. He has accumulated a large number of subjects during his trips. He likes travelling in ancient cities very much like Novgorod, Pskov, Old Ladoga, Belottesk, Arkhangelsk, etc.,the ancient dwelling houses, time-beaten walls, special temples of which have drawn great attention of the painter and his rich creation emotions. The painter pays attention to expression of the panoramic view and the seasonal changes, with his winter landscapes especially impressive. Pesikov has a preference on winter sketching, though winter is not a good season for long-time outdoor drawing. But to the artist, winter is the best season to show the fantasy of architectures in Russia, which, including the ancient temples, are more vivid and harmonious without the shade of trees.
There is sweet tranquility in Pesikov's artworks. No crowds, no shuttling birds, no swinging branches and leaves, and there is occasional breeze kissing the water, yet shy and quite. Summer is warm in leisure, yet nothing dry heat; in the frosty autumn, the withered wood stays still, the lazy darkness looms over the nature, and the silent forest seems mild and mysterious; in winter, the precious sunlight shines on the snows with blue jumping glints, like singing and dancing in severe cold. Meanwhile, all these seem to have shared the common color tones like gentle and graceful melody, showing the harmony and unity of the universe.
By H.C. Kotelnikov
January 21st, 2000
*Excerpt from Master Classic Series-Vladimir Simonovich Pesikov
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