展览时间:2011-07-09 ~ 2011-07-31
策 展 人:Gordon Laurin
开幕时间:2011-07-09 16:00
欢迎来到“哪里哪里艺术空间”《截屏》 展览。这次展出的是艺术家约瑟夫近期系列中的一个部分。 约瑟夫以电脑战斗游戏(比如FPS 第一人称射击类游戏 )为他创作灵感和创作材料。通过行为,也就是和这些游戏的互动来到造成干涉,构成一种袭击+社会干预(hacktivistic)概念。 在展厅里我们看到的铅笔绘制的倒下的士兵,正是艺术家本人的阿凡达在参与这些电脑游戏中被射击后的记录(这个干预项目他称之为“伊拉克之死”)。这个他“参加”的电脑射击游戏,恰恰是美国国土部出资设计的美国军队招兵时使用的电脑游戏。展厅地上的两个手的雕塑,是极具争议的《荣誉勋章》射击游戏里面一个塔利班枪手的手。艺术家通过3D数据采摘复员技术拿到雏形,然后用合成板手工塑造。这些纸上素描和地上雕塑把全球无所不在的,虚拟世界里把当代战争作为“游戏发生地”的这种文化实实在在的“还原成”图像和物体,成为让我们良心和意识驻足的地方。
约瑟夫是网络游戏行为艺术方面的先行者。他创作的作品有很多类型。比如,在2001年名为“Howl: Star Trek Elite Force Voyager Online”作品里,他通过网络游戏短信,在战争游戏的对话框里打字输入艾伦·金斯伯格的诗歌;另外一个创作于2003的作品里他依照喜剧“六人行”来编撰了一个新的故事。在2008年,他创作了一个大型甘地的阿凡达,和一个与之相连的走路机,在上面行走240英里。2006年他开始了一个网络干预活动,“参与”到《美国军队》射击游戏(美国国家军队用来征兵而设计的网络游戏)中,在网络对话框里,手把手的输入在伊拉克战争中死亡的人员的名字,年龄,编号和死亡日期等数据。
约瑟夫是 Nevada大学艺术系的教授,在那里主持数码媒体组。1983年开始涉足电子和新媒体至今,他已经多次在美国本土和国际范围内展出过,其中包括澳大利亚,英国,中国,德国,西班牙,比利时,荷兰和加拿大。他还主持一个伊拉克悼念网站( the iraqimemorial.org project ),这是一个网上的展览空间, 对申请为在伊战中受伤死亡的悼念活动敞开大门。 他在全球多处讲学,包括纽约MOMA, 也接受过很多媒体采访,比如,CNN, CNN, NPR, CBC, the Australian Broadcasting Corporation 和 Air America Radio。关于他作品的评论出现在纽约时报, 美国艺术,The Australian Morning Herald, Artweek 等,在2010年被收录到 Joystick Soldiers The Politics of Play in Military Video Game 这本书里。
Joseph DeLappe: Screen Shot
Where Where Exhibition Space
Opening: Saturday, July 9, 4:00 pm
Exhibition: 2011/07/09- 07/31
Curated by: Gordon Laurin
No. 319-1, East End Art Zone A, Caochangdi Village
Chaoyang District, Beijing (in the Platform China courtyard)
(English text follows Chinese)
Joseph DeLappe: Screen Shot
Screen Shot represents Joseph DeLappe’s ongoing work to engage “First Person Shooter” (FPS) computer games as arenas for creative, political, and hacktivistic performative interventions. The artist’s fallen avatar, as recorded during his interventionist project “dead-in-iraq”, taking place within the U.S. Defense Department funded America’s Army recruiting game, is realized here as finely rendered graphite drawings. The hands of a Taliban fighter, as depicted in the controversial Medal of Honor shooter game, lay on the gallery floor - made real via a complex process of 3D data extraction and physical construction. Through these works the 24/7 global phenomena of virtually simulated contemporary warfare as “play” has been reified as images and objects of conscience.
Joseph DeLappe is considered a pioneer of online gaming performance art. Projects range from, performing via text messaging, as the poet Allen Ginsberg Howl: Star Trek Elite Force Voyager Online (2001) to reenacting an entire situational comedy in Quake/Friends (2003) to walking 240 miles on a specially converted treadmill to control his Mahatma Gandhi avatar in Second Life in 2008. In 2006 he commenced to enter the online, US Army recruiting game, "America's Army", in order to manually type the name, age, service branch and date of death of each service person who has died to date in the War in Iraq.
Joseph DeLappe is a Professor of the Department of Art at the University of Nevada where he directs the Digital Media program. Working with electronic and new media since 1983, his work in online gaming performance and electromechanical installation have been shown throughout the United States and abroad - including exhibitions and performances in Australia, the United Kingdom, China, Germany, Spain, Belgium, the Netherlands and Canada. He also directs the iraqimemorial.org project, an ongoing web based exhibition and open call for proposed memorials to the many thousand of civilian casualties from the war in Iraq. He has lectured throughout the world regarding his work, including most recently at the Museum of Modern Art in New York City. He has been interviewed on CNN, NPR, CBC, the Australian Broadcasting Corporation and on The Rachel Maddow Show on Air America Radio. His works have been featured in the New York Times, The Australian Morning Herald, Artweek, Art in American and in the 2010 book from Routledge entitled Joystick Soldiers The Politics of Play in Military Video Game.
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