展览时间:2011-07-05 ~ 2011-08-01
开幕酒会:2011-07-09 16:00
“地心地平”是指连接地球表面的一个点与地球中心的直线的垂直平面。参加展览的艺术家吴高钟、胡勤武和权武亨通过艺术作品来思考人生、价值和时间的问题,是对生命与意识的省思 。这个自主的世界并非一个单纯的艺术表现世界, 而是一个生命世界――也即是说,作品有自己特殊的存在方式,有自己的循环和轮回方式,有自己的表现与表达的方式。
Rational horizon – Wu Gaozhong, Hu Qinwu,Kwon Moohyoungs’ Exhibition
Opening: 4:00 p.m, 09 July, 2011
Duration: 09 July, 2011 – 01 August, 2011
Each of us is a particle in the universe, gathering the positive energy underneath its surface. There is a feeling of ups and downs via the heart. It is destined to reach an unbearable limit. So a continuous wave of awakening consciousness is now expanding to take form. Every moment is unique and can not be repeated. There is an incidence of life, development we can not step back in the rivers.
‘Rational horizon’ means a great circle parallel to the horizon, the centre of which is the centre of the Earth. This is reflected in the exhibition of the artists Wu Gaozhong, Hu Qinwu, Kwon Moohyoung. They portray their work on life, values, a matter of time and a reflection of consciousness. The independent world is not a simple world of artistic expression, but a life-world. In other words, their works have their own special way to exist. They have their own cycles, a way to express and to utter meaning.
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