展览时间:2011-07-09 ~ 2011-07-14
开幕时间:2011-07-09 18:00
神召会仁爱福音教会主任牧师 林春和牧师 祝福
艺术家 卢壹麟先生 致词
艺术家 刘远章先生 分享
Melody’s solo exhibition on 6 years little by little
Venue Partnership Programme
Time is passing so fast. In the Summer of 2011, Melody will have graduated from her high diploma course for Art. In order to share her intimate relationship with Art, an exhibition called “Melody’s 6 Year Trip – Step by Step” will be held. The Art Work of Melody are all originated from her owe prospective and presented in a new - form- abstract expressionism. Using abstract expressionism, the conflict between reality and ideal world, the puzzles in actualizing her dreams, the strike from daily life the fancies of a young girl and the taste of intimate relationship are shown in her art work.
Melody’s solo exhibition on 6 years little by little
Participating Artist: Ms Melody Ma
Date of Exhibition: 9 - 14 July
Time: Thu – sun 12:00 noon – 8:00pm
Monday: closed
Venue: Artist Commune, Unit 12,Cattle Depot Artist Village,63 Ma Tau Kok Road,To Kwa Wan,Kln,HK
Opening Date: 9 July (SAT)
Opening Time: 6:00pm
Officiating Guest:
Pastor Mr. Lam Chun Wao
Artist Mr. Lo Yat Lun
Artist Mr. John Lau
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