展览时间:2011-07-13 ~ 2011-07-23
今年香港艺术学院文凭课程的毕业创作展以「毕露」 為题,给予公眾无限的想像空间,它表达出一种看透内心,超越底线的感觉,亦有向公眾展示隐藏的感情的意思。是项展览由学院基础文凭及高级文凭四个课程的同 学参予,於七月中至七月底分别在学院的湾仔和石硤尾的校舍,以及土瓜湾的艺术场地展出,正好回应学院透过课程让艺术走入社区,融入社会的理念。除有绘画、 雕塑、陶艺、平面设计等作品展览外,修读媒体艺术高级文凭的同学更将於七月廿二日假座艺术中心agnès b. 电影院举办一场放映会,当中包括动画、短片等作品。
日期:13 - 20 July 2011
时间:10am - 8pm
地点:香港艺术学院本部及白管子画廊 (香港艺术中心十楼)
日期:17 - 23 July 2011
时间:10am - 8pm
地点: 香港艺术学院石硤尾校舍 (赛马会创意艺术中心)
日期:17 - 27 July 2011
时间:10am - 8pm
日期:22 July 2011
地点:香港艺术中心 agnès b. 电影院
Hong Kong Art School Graduation Showcase 2011 –“Naked”
Venue Partnership Programme
Titled as “Naked”, the Hong Kong Art School Graduation Showcase 2011 will showcase the works from its diploma programmes’ graduates. The title is imaginative and can express the feeling of being seen through, going beyond bottom line, or even with the meaning of showing hidden feeling to the public. The Graduation Showcase is composed by four parts, which will be held in the School campuses in Wanchai and Shek Kip Mei, as well as the art venue in Tokwawan from mid to end of July, echoing the School philosophy, i.e. bring art into community. In addition to the showcasing of artworks from painting, sculpture, ceramics and graphic design area, there will be a screening of animation, short films by Media Art students at agnès b. CINEMA at Hong Kong Arts Centre on July 22.
Hong Kong Art School Graduation Showcase 2011 –“Naked”
Foundation Diploma in Visual Art
Date:13 - 20 July 2011
Time:10am - 8pm
Venue:Hong Kong Art School Main Campus &
Whitetube Gallery @ 10/F Hong Kong Art Centre
Higher Diploma in Fine Art
Date:17 - 23 July 2011
Time:10am - 8pm
Venue:Hong Kong Art School Shek Kip Mei Campus @ JCCAC
Higher Diploma in Applied Art
Date:17 - 27 July 2011
Time:10am - 8pm
Venue:Artist commune @ Cattle Depot Artist Village
Higher Diploma in Media Art
Date:22 July 2011
Venue:agnès b. CINEMA @ Hong Kong Arts Centre
Online reservation
- 2011-07-21 ~ 2011-07-28李伟广作品展:中国诗意油画山水
- 2011-07-15 ~ 2011-08-21冯翰平个展:伤尘魔方
- 2011-07-23 ~ 2011-08-28杜昆:他的国
- 2011-07-16 ~ 2011-08-14Slipping Transmission
- 2011-07-09 ~ 2011-08-31也行·走
- 2011-07-30 ~ 2011-09-11流动数字——克里斯·乔丹个展
- 2011-07-23 ~ 2011-08-07一念之差——沈怡、雷本本作品展
- 2011-07-16 ~ 2011-09-08王墒“搜集确凿的证据”&马秋莎“地址簿”
- 2011-07-16 ~ 2011-08-10纷红夏至——韩斯油画作品展
- 2011-07-16 ~ 2011-08-10梦冥——郭利众油画作品展