展览时间:2011-07-22 ~ 2011-09-10
开幕时间:2011-07-22 15:00~18:00
在罗清的作品中,因为具有具象场景的描述,大家往往习惯性的将其归为带有"政治色彩"的作品,但艺术家却对此表示"怀疑"。在他看来他更关注的是"个人"-"现代人的困惑": 表现被充满"敌意"的社会环境所包围的孤立、绝望的个人或群体。罗清说过,"我画的仍然是人本身的状态、处境,或者说我自己的问题。我觉得画画是一个心理治疗的过程。"在罗清作品里面的人物没有选择与这个异质世界的做无望的缠斗,他们中的一部分人选择了"沉默",选择了"被催眠"。这样的"选择"更体现出一辈人民的精神状态:斗争是无为的,所以套上头套"被催眠";而另一部分人虽然随大流也选择了"沉默",只是"沉默"的表象之后却有着复杂的情绪斗争。
The idiosyncrasy of Luo Qing's works may be exemplified by the concept of unconsciousness. Luo Qing's works reflect spiritual light fighting against desperation and the darkness of the reality.
Although Luo Qing's works represent scenes of real places, they are not aimed to be political but instead concern the individual and the embodiment of one's isolation and desperation engendered by the surrounding hostile society. Luo Qing comments that, "What I paint is the status and the situation of human beings, or my own problems. Painting for me is a process of psychological therapy." By choosing to remain silent or hypnotized instead of fighting against the tangible world, the characters in Luo Qing's paintings represent the situation of their generation in the spiritual world. Beneath the characters' superficial silence, there is a complex mental struggle occurring within each person.
Luo Qing's Walking Forward No.4 shows a group of people wearing the same uniform and hood, thereby making them indistinguishable as individuals. The viewer questions who each person might be and what fate awaits them. Luo Qing says, "Desperation comes from reality; but on a spiritual level, we need to have a ray of light to fight against the darkness." For Luo Qing, meditation is that light, and his works warn of the unconsciousness and unawareness that keep people blind and controlled.
This exhibition will be on view at EK Projects from July 22 through September 10, 2011. The artist will be present for the opening reception on Friday, July 22 from 3 - 6 PM. For further information.
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