展览时间:2011-08-19 ~ 2011-09-10
开幕时间:2011-08-19 (周五) 18:00~20:00
Gallery EXIT 安全口画廊将呈献林愷倩的个人展览《印塔比替唇》。受超现实主义的影响,名為《Interpretation》 的一系列画作是根据现成图片而创作的。林愷倩探索对图像解读的含糊并用她奇异的联想去绘画和重组图像。并置的图像和绘图混淆观眾的想像力,令他们浮游於真实及虚构之间。大部份的作品虽似是毫无目的玩弄视觉效果,但我们绝不能仅视為儿戏之作。
一幅较有玩味的作品中,足球员Kenny Dalglish被塑造為一个魔术师。在他拿着球衣拍照之际,艺术家把他的头从身躯移开,画在手持的球衣之上。林愷倩强调阅读和理解图像其实有很多可能性「《Interpretation》这个系列的原意是跟每件事和物作多方面阐释,不只是给予单一角度的见解。」
林愷倩生於一九八六年,是香港土生土长的艺术家。拥有一百多个网页的她视互联网為心血来潮时发表想法及感受的途径。除了製作不同主题的网络日誌,她的作品还包括:随意音乐绘画、手繒购物袋和价格适宜的概念艺术品。她曾参与《袋袋平安》(2009),《风雨飘摇爱国时》(2009)及由Independent Curators International与Para/Site 艺术空间合办的《FAX》(2010)。
Lam Hoi Sin
19 August - 10 September 2011
Opening Reception: Friday, 19 August 2011, 6 - 8 pm
Gallery EXIT, 1 Shin Hing Street, Central, Hong Kong
Hours: Tue - Sat, 1100 - 1900
Gallery EXIT is pleased to present Interpretation, a solo show of LAM Hoi Sin. Developed under surrealist influence, Interpretation is an on-going series of drawings based on found images. The artist explores the ambiguity in such images and through drawings, reconfigures the visual components with her eccentric associations. The image and drawing compete against each other as the viewers' imagination wavers between reality and fiction. While most works in the series appear as pure visual play based on free association, some transformations cannot be simplified as mere humour or wonderment.
Lam addresses our subconscious fixations on sex. Phallic symbols can often be spotted in her drawings. The work derived from a Diesel advert shows a woman with a mannequin body. She is partly undressed, possibly by the man presented in the profile shadow behind her. The drawing depicts an unsettling picture of a rape scene. With minimum alteration, the artist simply asks the audience to rethink the aesthetics of the original and whether her drawings are so different or controversial. After all, in mass media, women are constantly being objectified into victims, consumed and manipulated. The artist explains, "Despite the fiction, the new images are rearrangements of reality."
A more playful reading includes Kenny Dalglish being depicted as a magician. As the footballer poses with his shirt, Lam's drawing elevates his head from the torso and slides it across the fabric. The artist emphasizes that there are many possible readings of the found images, "for Interpretation is to form interpretations, not to present a single one."
LAM Hoi Sin, aka Sin, was born in 1986 and raised in Hong Kong. Having hundreds of websites, Sin uses the Internet as a communication tool for her thoughts and random findings. Besides blogging in different themes, her productions include automatic drawings of music, hand-painted totes and affordable conceptual art. She has participated in Bag for Better (2009), Feng Yu Piao Yao Ai Guo Shi (2009) and FAX (2010), an exhibition co-organised by Independent Curators International and Para/Site Art Space.
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