您的当前位置: 首页 > 展览 > 画廊展览 > 宣传栏:王卫个展
展览时间:2011-08-11 ~ 2011-09-11
开幕时间:2011-08-11 16:00~19:00

Boers-li gallery 画廊荣幸的宣布,我们将在2011年8月11号至9月11号于Boers-Li画廊2层举办王卫个展-“宣传栏”。该展览将展出艺术家最新的大型装置作品。王卫是一名擅长使用各种媒材的艺术家,而他最被广为人知的就是那些隔断展出空间,挑战观看方式,改变建筑结构的作品。他的作品往往利用一种建筑性的语言,去探讨在物质环境与心理过程之间的认知与关系。而这些关注于真实的细微变化,和被以不寻常的方式并置在室内空间里的户外建筑体,也使得它们相当引人注目。"宣传栏"的原型来自于北京动物园里的科普知识宣传栏,这类建筑体通常是用来提供各种有关动物的信息给参观的游客。不过在王卫所给与的新意涵下,这件等比例复制的作品更强调了在功能性、大众信息与感知经验缺失之后的观看行为本身。


Boers-li gallery is pleased to announce ‘Propaganda Pavilion’, a solo exhibition by Wang Wei. This exhibition presents a new installation work that is open to the public in Gallery Ⅱ.

Wang Wei is a multidisciplinary artist who is best known for his modified architectural structures that interrupt spaces and challenge perceptions. His work utilises an architectural language that references perception and the relationship between physical environments and psychological processes. The pieces are notable for their slight distortions of reality and uncanny juxtapositions of exterior structures within interior spaces.

‘Propaganda Pavilion’ is originally inspired by the information stand found at the Beijing Zoo. This structure normally provides information about animals for visitors, but in its new incarnation, the piece highlights ideas about functionality, public information and naivety. Upon entering the exhibition, a wall of mirrored glass reflects light, protrusions and recesses of the gallery in an attempt to efface its own occupation of the space. The thick form cuts into the approaching corridor, eclipsing the view, and enticing the viewer to discover more of this unexpected obstruction.

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