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新.伦敦 Emerging London
展览时间:2011-08-03 ~ 2011-09-03
展览地点:Identity Art Gallery
参展艺术家:Chris Baker、Abigail Box、Aidan Doherty、Roxy Topia & Paddy Gould
开幕酒会:2011-08-03 19:00~21:00

香港,2011年7月20日:务求把英伦新兴艺术空运到港,Identity Art Gallery 特此举办名為《新.伦敦 Emerging London》的联展,展出一群驻伦新兴艺术家 ﹣Chris Baker、Abigail Box、 Aidan Doherty、Roxy Topia 和 Paddy Gould – 的油画和混合媒体拼贴作品。

《新.伦敦 Emerging London》这次联展匯聚了五位初出道及事业正稳步上扬的艺术家,他们志同道合,擅於大胆表露多彩和乐观的展示风格。 这五位得奖的艺术新星钟情把不同意景之下的影像、图案和纹理撕拆,再重新為它们赋予英勇原创的艺术表现,他们成功掌握平衡内心幻想和外在文化的据点,令作品从流行走到艺术 。是次前卫活泼的油画和混合媒体拼贴作品展览, 加插出凝重的艺术歷史元素,配上一件件展露荒诞妙想思绪和琐事的作品,形成强烈对比;然而,这一切却刚好代表著这五位正在寻求当代发展的触目年轻艺术家。

Chris Baker
Baker’s optimistic and inventive paintings zip up exuberant references to the art of the past, via witty optical puns, a nod to pop culture and a powerful vocabulary of the simple motif. Baker graduated in 2010 from the Royal Academy of Art. His recent shows in 2011 include the ‘Fort Painting Show’ at Fort, London, and ‘New Contemporary Art: Part 1’ at George and Jorgen, London. www.chrisbakerart.com

Abigail Box
Box expresses her curiosity about the contradiction of existence via found imagery and an aesthetic manipulation of colour, space and composition. Her collage-inspired paintings propel viewers to a colourful world of ambiguity filled with strange and sometime unsettling scenarios. Box graduated from Camberwell College of Arts in painting and sculpture in 2008. Her recent shows in 2011 include ‘oneforone’, London View Tube, London, ‘Painting’, Sarah Reynolds, London, ‘A Reality of their Own’, DegreeArt Gallery, London, and ‘Pop Up Spaces’, ArtBeat Gallery, London. www.abigailbox.com

Aidan Doherty
Doherty experiments with colour, contrast and perspective with the approach of an investigator. The result is a poetic and stylish meander of curious landscapes and hermetic habitats formed with unfamiliar surface, pattern and grid. Doherty graduated from the fine art painting from Wimbledon School of Art in 2008. His recent shows in 2011 include ‘Hello Paradise, What Would You Like?’ at Kingsgate Gallery, London. www.aidandoherty.co.uk

Roxy Topia and Paddy Gould
In Roxy Topia and Paddy Gould’s satirical mixed media collages, there are sensual and powerful links drawn between the human form and the fetishism it is subjected to. Collaborating since 2008, the duo are two natural born optimists who find humour in all things perverted. Topia graduated from fine art at the Kent Institute of Art and Design, Canterbury, in 2006; while Gould also graduated from the same subject at Kingston University in 2005. Their recent shows include ‘Inside Out’ at Phillips de Pury, London, and ‘Contemporary Drawing’ at the Bohemia Space, Liverpool. topiagould.wordpress.com/about

About Identity Art Gallery
Art is Long, Life is Short. Identity Art Gallery brings together visionary art identities who respect art as a lifelong, enduring creative endeavour existing outside the realms of fads and fashion. We discover and promote artists from all four corners of the world, whose strong inner visions foster, seduce, confront and bolster our identities across a diverse range of media, in unusual, direct and lasting manners. Beauty and colours are our mutual interest; simplicity and integrity our common language. Forging links and synergy among like-minded artists, collectors, galleries and curators through solo exhibits and group collaborations, our ultimate vision is to cultivate an environment where creativity and identities may further flourish.

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