展览时间:2011-09-06 ~ 2011-10-30
开幕时间:2011-09-06 17:00~19:00
"FICTION" is launched and planed by a group of young artists. Ou Wenting, Li Yuan, Dong Dayuan, Lin Ke, Zhang Lehua and Chen Yongwei have mainly worked on video art. However, this time they return to the origin of art creation, which they would create their fiction by using the most familiar art material.
This is not an exhibition to emphasize the return of painting, but use painting as the medium to express a scene or a moment. Everyone has his or her own story, and the story is a fiction. Maybe the truth that you see is already been filtered, but please believe that the truth does exist, perhaps in an afternoon or in a second.
In this exhibition, each of the artists is an individual unit, and each of them has his or her own personal unconscious. One would unconsciously touched by an unconscious thing, please treasure the moment of this unconsciousness, and the image it creates, even what you do is totally opposite from what you think!
This exhibition will be on view from September 6th to October 30th.
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