展览时间:2011-09-27 ~ 2011-10-26
策 展 人:高岭
开幕时间:2011-09-27 16:00
Feng Zhengjie career, so far, spans over twenty years, from 1992 to 2011, during which his approach to art and life has matured considerably, from the earlier pain of “gaudy art”, to the exploration of fate found beneath surface beauty we see today. Yet, in every painting he has ever made, we can detect the anxiety that characterizes his personal philosophy. The Chinese word shang encompasses a range of meanings from abortion, death in a battle, to and death outside of one’s home. Together with yan, which means bright, luminescent colors, Feng has given us a new phrase in Chinese, yan shang, a type of mourning in gaudy colors. This is the best possible way to describe the spirit of Feng Zhengjie’s work.
The integration of life, death and flowers is fundamental to Feng Zhengjie’s latest work. He has also painted a large number of beautiful girls with absent-minded expressions which puzzle and infatuate the viewer, and as images are hard to walk away from. However, these gigantic erotic goddesses are like flowers destined to bloom only briefly, because the vitality of spring and summer is doomed to fade during autumn and winter. In the triptych series “Women are like Flowers”, flowers and skulls to the left and right hint at this life and next, while in the middle the beautiful stars radiate their youth in all directions. All that we take for granted will disappear like clouds and smoke, all that beautiful and good will fade away.
Art is neither life nor death, but a means for exploring the truth behind life and death, to show the decay behind the flashy surface, to differentiate between life and death, blooming and deterioration. Feng Zhengjie has combined his personal experiences with the metaphysical, which indicates that he has given himself over to the greater meaning of life.
- 2011-09-18 ~ 2011-10-07分裂+聚合:兰一新作展
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- 2011-09-06 ~ 2011-10-16镜之城:金阳平个展
- 2011-09-10 ~ 2011-10-23赵赵:近作
- 2011-09-10 ~ 2011-11-10桃源记——杨泳梁个人摄影展
- 2011-10-05 ~ 2011-11-20韩娅娟个展: 一半是沉溺,一半是超然
- 2011-10-06 ~ 2011-10-26心路——松下裕惠作品展
- 2011-09-08 ~ 2011-11-18下意识的搜寻:安曷个展
- 2011-09-24 ~ 2011-10-30过度——范明正作品(2003-2011)
- 2011-09-22 ~ 2011-11-29出走:李红军个展