展览时间:2011-08-27 ~ 2011-09-18
开幕时间:2011-08-27 15:00~17:00
红门画廊很高兴地宣布即将推出周吉荣纸上作品展。周吉荣是位杰出的版画家,也是过去三十多年北京城市变革的艺术见证者。从其早期创作于上世纪 80 年代的丝网版画到纸上混合媒介的持续探索,周先生一直敏锐地观察着城市天际线的演变,目睹着胡同小巷幻化成环路交通,预见着仿古街区全然演变成高楼大厦。周先生特地为此次展览绘制了全新的纸上作品,将北京模糊的天际线以具有抽象美的艺术形式记录下来。作品中工程轮廓筑于迷蒙的地平线上,辉映出一种属于宋代的诗意的朦胧,体现了一种东方的情感。他采用了丝印技术和矿物颜料相融合的创新手法,其纸上成品展示出一种结构和色彩之间愉悦而微妙的结合。半隐藏的城市面容被起重机,远处高楼或灯柱等垂直形态表征所打断。在欣赏的同时,观众不由得对反映城市现实的“施工”和“破坏”的二元性进行直观的揭露,随之流淌出冥想和忧郁的情绪。
Red Gate is pleased to announce a new exhibition of new works on paper by Zhou Jirong. Zhou is a master print maker who has been an artistic witness of Beijing's urban revolution over the last thirty years. From his early screen prints printed in the eighties to his continued exploration of mix media on special hand-made paper, Zhou has been an acute observer of the city skyline as hutongs alleys metamorphosed into concentric ring roads heralding the complete transformation of rustic neighbourhoods into never ending arrays of office and residential blocks. For this exhibition, Zhou has painted a new body of works on paper that documents the ambiguous Beijing skyline into an artwork of abstract beauty. There is an Eastern sensibility in the works where the architectural silhouettes nestle in a foggy horizon and echo the poetic mist of a Song dynasty landscape. Applying an innovative technique that incorporates silk printing techniques and application of mineral colour pigments, the resulting works on paper are a subtle potpourri of textural and chromatic delights. A semi-hidden urban cityscape is punctunated with vertical forms that hints of construction cranes, distant buildings or lamp posts. The mood is both meditative and melancholic as the viewer is invited to visually unveil a duality of both construction and destruction that echos reality.
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