展览时间:2011-09-06 ~ 2011-10-05
开幕时间:2011-09-06 16:00
《狂欢—冯硕作品展》是M艺术空间2011年非常重要的一个展览。作为曾与美国顶级画廊Marlborough Gallery继朱德群、赵无极、陈逸飞后签约的第四位华人艺术家,冯硕带来了他近年的力作。
“狂欢”是国际著名艺术批评家Tony Godfrey对冯硕绘画内涵与外延精准的阐述。在冯硕的作品中,没有人需要带动物的面具,这里动物本身在扮演着人类。很显然,冯硕用颜料给我们塑造了一个奇异的世界,用他独特的方式给我们讲着一个又一个的寓言,一个狂欢的世界。
< CARNIVALESQUE—FENG SHUO'S SOLO EXHIBITION > is a very important exhibition for M Art Center in 2011.As the 4th chinese artist signed by the top American gallery Marlborough Gallery after Zhao Wu Ji , Zhu De Qun , Chen Yi Fei , Feng Shuo bring us his new works to Shanghai.
"Carnivalesque" is an exact description of the sprit of Feng Shuo's art works by Internationally renowned art critic Tony Godfrey.In Feng Shuo's art works,nobody needs to wear masks,the animals miraculously become people. Obviously,he create a fantastic world with colors,and use his special way to tell us one fable after another,a world of carnival.
“It is like being in a train with misted up windows that one has to rub with one's sleeve to see out of. One rubs away to let the image appear, giving one a glimpse of some strange scene that has so far gone on unseen. It is a world outside our world yet one belonging to it - we see it only indistinctly and in fragmented form. ”
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