展览时间:2011-09-06 ~ 2011-10-16
策 展 人:马腾·贝尔特
开幕时间:2011-09-06 17:00~20:00
——巴什拉 金阳平的这批新作描绘了都市风景,大自然和室内场景。
We are not living in an empty and homogenous space; on the contrary, our space is full of unique things and odd thoughts, which might be brilliant, light, crystal-clear, or gloomy, tough, bothering, or condescending, or humble, or ever-changing like spring, or stable like rock.
——Bachelard The group of new paintings by Jin Yang Ping contain urban landscapes, nature and interiors.
With his virtuoso use of alternating thin layers and thick impasto and a ingenious play of fore and background Jin manages to construct a complex image that requires an intensive and repeating investigation. In some of his paintings he combines painting with photographic material to stress that the imagery is partly distracted from photographic of digital media. The sheer joy of painting reveals itself as well in the decorative motifs that are regularly introduced. Particuliarly in the landscape paintings or the series that he called Forest of Olfaction Jin demonstrates that a modern painter is not required to a strict following of a motive, but that the structuring of colors, brushstrokes and layers can be independent of an image and can ultimately lead to more abstract compositions. By using a more experimental and less predicteble way of painting he explores the limits of realistic painting where the motive still seems to dominate over the formal elements of painting itself. In this way Jin is as well continuing a tradition that is developed and set by great Chinese masters, but also by a western tradition of painters like Rembrandt, Goya, Picasso and Baselitz.
The exhibition is focussing on the more recent works with some exceptions of earlier paintings. The majority of these paintings are never shown before.
Simultaniuously with the exhibition a calogue will be issued with a text by Maarten Bertheux, curator of the Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam.
Curator: Maarten Bertheux
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