展览时间:2011-09-06 ~ 2011-09-21
策 展 人:贾廷峰
开幕时间:2011-09-06 15:30
独抒灵性 生命绽放
Unique Expression of Sagacity Blooms of life
By Guo Xioachuan
Wassily Kandinsky adduced Schumann’s view that “To send light into the darkness of men’s hearts - such is the duty of the artist.”In Zhao Li’s recent works, we found such shining value. Without neither the hurly-burly of the so-called “idea” nor the label of “modern”, her works constantly convey a bright and cheerful temperament. Everything comes from her natural instinct, and goes away with freeness and frankness. A strong sense of music in her paintings adds intense appeal to her works, and all these are from her immediate quest for passion and mentality. Zhao Li’s bold, sharp and almost solid color arrangement gives her works a clear and transparent finish. In many of her paintings, she even left some blank areas, conveying a simple and bright temperament. These techniques speak for her individual elements and serve as an ideal vehicle to express her passion. Zhao Li tends to use colors of sharp contrast, giving her paintings a sense of collision that is always well controlled within a harmonious rhythm. The jumping images in her paintings deliver a passionate, lively, instant, and even jubilating emotion, which is in line with her personal characters.
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