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展览时间:2011-09-11 ~ 2011-11-03
开幕酒会:2011-09-11 17:00~20:00


Two artists: Yu Ji, Christina Shmigel. Two generations: One with the lingering local memory of a Shanghai childhood, the other with a foreigner’s grasping for a sense of place in a time of change. One gallery: am space, containing discreet mementos of its historical past. Shared concerns: How can memory be manifested in the creation of something new, something that carries its history but is not mired in it; how does the slow creation of work by craft and accretion allow memory to inhabit it; how can the installation of the work in space contain the viewer. Two studios: The fluid nature of what is to be seen on consecutive visits, changing relationships between objects, collections, materials, discards, tracks of work efforts, of re-purposing. The exhibition idea, inspired by German philosopher Walter Benjamin’s notion of activating the “ atavistic memory ” : to incorporate the work of the two individual artists into the gallery in the way of the ever-evolving studios, thoughts in progress, responding to the particularities of the space, placing events and objects in a wider context of time and space. Over the course of the exhibition: The gallery acts as studio, the artists’ engagement with the space and with each other’ s work continually re-imagining the initial installation. In the end: A viewing that carries the memory of the show’ s original form but is inextricably altered by time’ s passage. In Benjamin's own words, " it is in the profound activity of recollection that one advances step by step."

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