展览时间:2011-10-08 ~ 2011-11-09
策 展 人:吴尚珩
开幕酒会:2011-10-07 18:00~20:00
尽管李氐最初受传统油画训练, 他的艺术风格非常多变,横跨不同体裁:从装饰、具象、抽象到实验性。在他的油画作品中,主题也很广泛,从西方的科学主题,以至传统的神话和密切联繫当代中国文化的民间传说。
李新平生於1959年,获优等奖毕业於河南大学艺术系。之后曾在北京中央美术学院和俄罗斯圣彼德堡美术学院交流进修交流深造。他的作品在亚洲多个大型展览和艺术博览会中展出,包括2006年在菲律宾马尼拉国家博物馆举行的《匙:开始中国当今艺术之门》、《Nokia Singapore Art 1999》以及两届《台湾国际艺术博览会》(2008及2009)。他亦曾两次代表北京参加中国全国美展。自2005年起於香港、上海、北京和新加坡的奥沙画廊举行多次个展, 作品亦被不同的中国与海外收藏家收集。他的写实作品《李大釗》亦在今年六月展览於中国美术馆。
Osage Gallery Kwun Tong is pleased to present Machine in the Body, a solo exhibition by Beijing based artist Li Xinping.
Life as objectified by worldly beings has been a continual source of inspiration and driving force behind Li Xinping's works. For the artist, the notion of the human body in particular serves as a major platform and vehicle in seeking an understanding and parallel between the vast realms of Western philosophy and Chinese culture. The exhibition explores the paradoxical idea of a force based on Eastern narrative and Western symbolism that is at once external yet embedded as an inner mechanism within Li's painted characters.
Though originally trained in traditional oil painting, Li’s ever- fluid artistic style in the medium has spanned across different genres, from decorative, realist, abstract, to experimental. The subject matter in the paintings ranges from the manifestation of Western scientific motifs that spans across astrology and medicine, to traditional myths and folklores intimately grounded within the contemporary culture of China.
This eclectic combination presented in Li’s works defies easy categorization and more importantly, as a result, has ironically positioned Li to be on the outer skirt of both the traditional and contemporary art circles in China today. Machine in the Body at the same time will present a selection of new and old, as well as unfinished works created during Li’s prolific career that will allow the audience to closely examine the painting process and skillful technique by the artist and at the same time, explores the undefined area in which the artist’s artistic practice situates.
Li Xinping (b. 1959) graduated from Henan University with Top Honors in Fine Arts. He has subsequently studied at the Central Academy of Fine Arts in Beijing as well as the St. Petersburg Art Academy in Russia. His works have been presented at notable exhibitions and art fairs in Asia such as SUSI: Key to Chinese Art Today-Exploration&Discovery (2006) at the National Museum in Manila, Nokia Singapore Art 1999, and Art Taipei (2008, 2009). Li has twice represented Beijing in the National Art Exhibition in China. Since 2005, he has had numerous solo exhibitions at the Osage Galleries in Hong Kong, Singapore, and Shanghai with works in the collection of private collectors from China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and overseas. His most recent group exhibition was at the National Museum of Art in Beijing titled “Glorious Course and Epic Scroll” with the realist painting of Li Da Zhao.
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