展览时间:2011-09-24 ~ 2011-11-27
开幕时间:2011-09-24 18:00~21:00
此次个展展出作品主要以录像作品为主:《逝去中的风景Ⅱ》(2011)为同步三投影装置,为之前作品的二部曲,以一种幽微的叙事及「微自传」 的文体,创作一个介於录像艺术与电影之间(外)的动态影像作品,并藉由「家」、「记忆」、「轮转」及「时间与废墟」等概念为其隐喻,展现一种剧场式的日常。同步四投影装置《在记忆之前》(2011)为全新出发之作品,转向「时间与记忆」、「身体与感知」、「歷史与废墟」、「寓居於黑」等方向。本件作品为一件四投影的大型录像装置,分别投影在空间的四周,四个投影同步呈现影像、声音及全然「黑」的状态 。当观眾置身於展场空间,四个投影的影像时而远离、靠近、环绕及上下的运动。《记忆中的肖像》系列(2011)为拍摄人物的录像装置,影像为模糊失焦,在最后一秒的时候焦距转为清晰、随继投影机关闭。因为投影在涂有月光粉的板子上,所以当投影关闭时,模糊失焦的肖像会留在板子上,发出幽微绿光的肖像,并同时缓缓消失。虽远犹近的影像让记忆在时间的轴线上来回的游移。
TKG+ is pleased to present Yuan goang-ming's solo exhibition Before Memory, on view in Neihu from September 24 to November 6, 2011 (opening reception on Saturday, September 24, 6:00pm-9:00pm). The video installations and photographs of Before Memory, all created this year, examine the temporal and positional facets of memories.
To Yuan, the temporal “before” is the moment that precedes the occurrence of a memory. In contrast, the positional “before,” occurs when one confronts a memory. Memory itself holds multiple meanings – it exists in the past, as well as in the present. The act of remembering is like a journey between the “then” and the “now” – wherein one toggles back and forth between one’s childhood home, one’s hometown, a loved one, a city, or the ruins of a glorious past.
The works of Before Memory take the viewer through these different aspects of remembrance. For instance, the camera of the three-channel video installation Disappearing Landscape – Passing II, traverses abandoned spaces, past a tree, by the ocean, and through the residence of Yuan’s late father. Likewise, in Before Memory, the camera travels through spaces filled with the sounds and sights of “black” – the sea, a forest, and a field of grass, all at night. The multi-media installations, Disappearing Portrait and A Portrait in Memory, create a discourse between past and present, leaving behind the faint remnants of a portrait on the screen. Smiling Rocking Horse brings into question the boundaries of movement, with the piece of curved wood that remains still while the scene on the screen rocks sideways, just as memories move forward and backward in time.
Yuan goang-ming, was born in 1965 in Taipei, Taiwan, and is currently assistant professor at the Graduate School of Art & Technology at the Taipei National University of the Arts. He holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts from the National Institute of the Arts, Taipei (1989) and a diploma in Media Arts from the Staatliche Hochschule f r Gestaltung Karlsruhe, Germany (1997). His work has been included in numerous international exhibitions, including the Gwangju Biennale (1995 and 2002), the Taipei Biennial (1998 and 2002), Translated Acts (Berlin, New York, and Mexico City, 2001-02), 01.01.01: Art in Technological Times (San Francisco, 2001), Luna’s Flow: The 2nd Seoul International Media Art Biennale (2002), Culture Meets Culture: Busan Biennale 2002, the Venice Biennale (2003), the Liverpool Biennial (2004), the Guangzhou Triennial (2005), the Singapore Biennale (2008), and Taiwan Calling (Budapest, 2010). He has also curated several exhibitions including SlowTech held in 2006 at the Museum of Contemporary Art, Taipei.
TKG+, the contemporary platform of the Tina Keng Gallery, opened its expansive space in the Neihu District of Taipei in October 2009. Its mission is to promote and support the most interesting and significant contemporary art from the region. The gallery works with emerging artists and privileges experimentation in art across different mediums, from video and photography to installation and new media. As its name suggests, TKG+ believes in the exponential growth and possibility of art in the 21st century.
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