展览时间:2011-09-29 ~ 2011-11-13
开幕时间:2011-09-28 16:00~22:00
残山剩水系列演讲之六---- “傅山和明末清初书写的异体字风气”
We name the exhibition “Flower” with no specific intention or point, but for the subjects of these artists’ paintings are all involved with the flower. Smart people will easily feel it’s close to the conception of "Representation". Frankly speaking, our original idea of the exhibition is simple as this. we plan to select a group of works related with flowers, with no thinking about if it is " Representation ". The only thing we consider was we might through it present an angle or view to see the matter. on this point, it is not that important any more it’s "Representation" or not. Even though we admit that this is "Representation" , the key point will not be what it " Represent", but how. Yet now, flower maybe what it is, maybe not, and "Representation " maybe something it is, maybe not. isn't it?
“Can Shan Sheng Shui” Project Research Lecture Series
The variant Chinese character created by Fu Shan and prevailing inbetween Ming and Qing dynasty.
Lecturer: Prof. Qianshen Bai, Department of Art History at Boston University
Host: Lu Mingjun
Time: 19:00 -20:30, Sep 28, 2011
Venue: 87 Fangqin Jie , Sichuan P.R.China, A Thousand Plateaus Art Space
- 2011-09-18 ~ 2011-10-07分裂+聚合:兰一新作展
- 2011-09-25 ~ 2011-11-20自语——夏小万个展
- 2011-09-06 ~ 2011-10-16镜之城:金阳平个展
- 2011-09-10 ~ 2011-10-23赵赵:近作
- 2011-09-10 ~ 2011-11-10桃源记——杨泳梁个人摄影展
- 2011-09-29 ~ 2011-11-13FLOWER 花儿
- 2011-09-25 ~ 2011-10-15地标——顾亮个展
- 2011-09-24 ~ 2011-10-20选项——何翔宇、高磊、高伟刚三人作品展
- 2011-09-30 ~ 2011-10-20“心迹象”——青年艺术家邀请展
- 2011-10-08 ~ 2011-11-11Untitled/Again (Marienbad)