展览时间:2011-10-15 ~ 2011-11-11
开幕时间:2011-10-15 15:30
In the “unbearable lightness of being”, as Proust said, “Life is a series of isolated moment, relying on his memories and fantasies, many of the emerging significance, then disappear”. At these moments, probably “only necessity is heavy, and only what is heavy has value”.
These twelve works of art, based on “memories” and “fantasies”, by stringing together those seemingly doomed moments of “necessity” in life and giving a full play of the weight and magnificence of life, float lightly or blend intricately on the surface of the crystal-clear and transparent water, arousing a sweet sense of the lightness of life on one hand, and a dismal one of its heaviness on the other.
Water makes up the human body and life. Life elapses in the same manner only that it
leaves traces for memory (like the water pistols held by the naughty kids, the red scarves and books in primary school). In the end, life will fade and condense into a solid book, and in a sense, the human body thereby becomes a page recording our life.
The exhibition will take the visitors into a dreamland in a stream of consciousness, who will flow through these works as if shuttling from silhouette to silhouette of the moments of life. Delighting in the mystique of memory and penetrating the reality in fantasy, we are overwhelmed in dreams but by no means lost.
As a gallery dedicated to discovering and introducing to public new artists, Beijing New Age Gallery will present an outstanding young sculptor, Zou Liang. Born in 1979, he graduated from Sculpture Department, Luxun Academy of Fine Arts in 2003 and finished postgraduate studies at Sculpture Department, China Central Academy of Fine Arts in 2008. Devoted to studies and practice in sculpture ever since he graduated, he had his works exhibited at a number of important domestic and overseas exhibitions. This exhibition will be his first to give a panoramic view of his artistic pursuit.
Xia Yun
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