展览时间:2011-10-06 ~ 2011-11-15
开幕酒会:2011-10-06 15:00
From the perspective of cultural studies, a face can be seen as a cultural reflection of social groups. So different times and regions form different facial expressions on the faces. The big difference was caused by both individual reasons and the spirit of the times, in other words, the difference of values shared by social groups in different times and different regions, resulting in the different facial expression.
Although the human face is natural, the expression on the face, reproduction and interpretation of this expression are completely cultured. Therefore, the human face is actually a small section of society, reflecting not only the artist's thinking of the society, but also interpreting of the audience to the society faces. Compared with the painting, video and other media, the sculpture on the subject's performance has some limitations, precisely because of the sculpture's nature of three-dimension, which more likely to cause the viewer's sympathy.
Since the 1980s, Chinese sculpture art began to rise, gradually from the traditional sculpture to space sculpture art development. The language of sculpture developed from a relatively simple language to diversity. Although the sculptures in this exhibition emphasizes the concrete concept, this non-figurative realism is placed in the show scene, which even more aroused a visual and psychological strong contrast, highlights the living conditions of different social groups and the artist's own state.
Artists participate in this exhibition, including Cai Lei, Deng Ke, Gao Chang, Han Na, Jiang Xiaomei, Li Jifei, Li Mingran, Liu Baoliang, Liu Jinting, Liu Minghui, Liu Yinglu, Liu Zheng, Ma Wenjia, Pang Yong, Ren Liang, Ren Zhe, Ren Junhua, Shang Changhong, Tao Xun, Yuan Jia, Zhang Chong, Zhang Xiaoman. (alphabetical by last name). Although the works have different means of expression, the focus is probably the same. That is psychological experience of current social groups with different living state. Sincerely hope that the present highly commercialized art field can be more serious exploration.
Zero Art Center
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