展览时间:2011-10-22 ~ 2011-11-10
策 展 人:马琳
开幕时间:2011-10-22 15:30
The San Shui and Pang Hailong’s art works show, held in the Creativity Center 99 of academy of fine arts, Shanghai University, is the two young artists’ new works. Targeting the building on the Bund, Shan Shui’s video works present us the scene that Bund is being flooded in the year of 2005. Pang Hailong’s sculpture works take the ready-mades, ash and dust as target; illustrate the common relationship between the abandoned objects, ash and dust. The topics that how to express ideas in modern arts, how to surpass grand and abstract narration, how to express individual spirits in formalistic expression, are those this show aims to discuss.
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