展览时间:2011-10-28 ~ 2011-11-18
策 展 人:戴卓群
开幕酒会:2011-11-12 (周六) 15:00
《15日:合作制绘画》是一次对艺术家之间相互干预和介入式绘画体验的崭新尝试,也是一次对现有展览结构及艺术家个体工作方式进行反思的实验项目,我们双向消解了策展人中心制和艺术家中心制的日常形态,让自由秩序在自发自为的外部条件下渐次呈现。同时,也意图拓展艺术家个体化创作和公共性思考之间的维度。现有的展览主要是以艺术家个体工作方式进入联展或个展的结构体系,《15日:合作制绘画》试图建立一种平行于现有结构新的创作与展览关系。项目旨在借用 “合作制”的概念建立一个不同艺术家集体进行创作的公共实验模型,在集体实验过程中公共空间、个体艺术家、集体项目形成三角关系,从而产生介入、对抗、干预等复杂的实验过程。
"15 days: A collaborative work" is a new attempt where the artists mutually interact and create one common work. This is the first time that we explore the possibility to create a work in an exhibition space. In this way, we aim at reducing the distance between artists and curators, trying to find a spontaneus way for the realization of the work. At the same time, it is our intention to favor an exchange between the individual thought of each artists. The concept of "Collaboration" is based on the experimental practice to create a work where artists use a common space all together. The topic of the work is related to three ideas: interaction, confrontation and hardness of this innovative practice .
In this project, we have invited 15 artists to collaborate together on creating a work 15 sq. Meters big. In 15 days, every artist will have 24 hours and a 1 sq. meter of space to realize their own work. The final result will be a mosaic that shows the personal style of the artist and the influence of this collaboration on the artists' practice.
The realization on site will be hosted in the White Box Museum of Arts that in addition to the space will offer a cage lifter, 2 working platforms, various artists' tools like propylene, brushes, colors and slices, an air brush compressor (including all the accessories), a video projector, a 15 sq.meters canvas, a professional Camera and a video-camera. Other tools can be freely brought by the Artists themselves to better realize their own concept.
The order of the artist and their own canvas position will be decided by draw. Every artist should take care only of their square meter. They will decide the style and the topic of their part. Every artist will be completely free on the work realization, and can decide to link their work with the neighbor artists or to realize a work with a different topic. They will not be limited on their habitual style but they can explore new ways of expressions. Autonomy is the first rule of this project.
At the end of the exhibition, 15 different works will create one main work. A Video and a catalogue will show the final result.
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