展览时间:2011-10-22 ~ 2011-11-05
策 展 人:王海涛
开幕时间:2011-10-22 16:00
After the solo show of Sun Yi - Tube in 2007, Triumph Art Space will launch Su Yi's second solo show - Up and Down which will show his oil paintings and sketches since 2007 to give the viewers a chance to enter his new world. Through these works, we will feel the artist's concern to society and humanity and the harmonious world of confrontation behind his paintings.
Sun Yi doesn't ignore any space in his paintings. He puts many things which are seemingly totally irrelevant to each other to surprise his viewers. Inclined buildings, floating castles, ambiguous tomatoes, poker face kings, sexy queens, and the dynamic background of clouds(maybe smoke?), are all related to each other under Sun Yi's brush.With bright colors and cartoon characters, Sun Yi dots his paintings with his melancholy. He does not want to impose this kind of attitude to the viewers, but to enhance the tension of his paintings by adding conflicts, so as to be compatible with universal standard of beauty to share his feelings with the viewers.
Sun Yi is a member of the first generation after reform and open policy. With the internationalization of China during 1980s, many foreign literature and art trends gave artists new ideas. Numberless -ism and trends which was co-called "modernism", like a fast-moving river, left its trace in the after 80s generation's life. From single to multiple, the sudden confrontation with a new complex world, for the generation who grew up in it, though supplied with various possibilities, they also had many sorrows and confusions. Just like the upward and downward force in Sun Yi's painting, tearing the canvas into two pieces tending to two extreme.
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