展览时间:2011-11-11 ~ 2011-11-27
开幕时间:2011-11-11 17:00~19:00
Vanguard画廊11月即将开始的展览《照夜白》邀请了王欣与叶凌瀚两位年轻艺术家参加。这次的展览将展出他们的最新作品:王欣的录像《南瓜地》和叶凌瀚的绘画。他们用不同的创作方式, 回应各自现阶段所产生的新想法和所面临的新问题。
而叶凌瀚的作品则一直与过去,或者说历史有千丝万缕的联系。他采用有别于其他人的角度去记录和想象历史:消失的存在。 对有形的和无形的消失的发掘和记录让叶凌瀚的作品透露出神秘的气息。早期的作品中他还试图将大时代的背景加入作品中,用工业化的进程来衬托消失的事实;但是新的作品中他更加彻底的抛弃了那些貌似安全的背景,而是直截了当地去关注那些消失的事物,而这种直接面对的态度反而让隐藏起来的背景更加凸显出来。这次展览中叶凌瀚将各个时期的动画相关的绘画以及独立的绘画一起展出,他力图打乱某些已经建立起来的逻辑,在这种最原始的状态中需求更大的可能性。
Go Back To Future, the exhibiton opening this November at Vanguard Gallery, introduces two young artists’ work, Wang Xin and Ye Ling Han. Their latest pieces, Wang Xin’s video Pumpkin Land and Ye Ling Han’s paintings, will be presented this time through which they are responding in different ways to their new inspirations as well the new challenges they are facing today.
Just graduated from the New Media Department of School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Wang Xin has always been highly curious about and kept exploring the invisible world that is vague and uncertain. From the animation installation The Grey Flying to the Mars which she did upon the graduation from the New Media Department of China Art Academy in 2007 to the later interactive animation installation Undefined Landscape in poetic and abstract manner, it appears that the artist has completely been living in her own spiritual world whose richness and attraction seems far more than the grotesque material one that we are living in could ever give. In her works one can never miss her aspiration towards as well the cautious stepping into the ample and mysterious realm.
Whereas in Ye Linghan’s pieces you may always find links to the past or the history. His way of recording and imagining history is different from others, which is about the disappearing existence. It gives his piece a taste of mystery by discovering and recording the disappearing of both tangible and intangible. While in his early pieces he was still trying to add the background of the time by which the fact of things being disappeared were set off by the process of industrialization, he chooses to give up all the “safe” background in the new piece and focuses on things disappeared, in which the direct confrontation distinguishes the hidden background. In this exhibition Ye would present us the paintings related to his animation duiring all his creative periods and also the independent works, by which he attempts to twist his past mindset so that a bigger possibility can be achieved in the most primitive state.
The exhibition closes on Dec.27.
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