展览时间:2011-10-29 ~ 2011-12-01
开幕时间:2011-10-29 14:30~18:00
吴晓申的诙谐与孩童般的顽皮在他的油画作品街头人物众生相中可略见一斑。他的画是 用来读的不是用来看的,认真地漫不经心的阅读会带给你一份淡淡的恬适和会心的快感,这 份快感来自画面传递出的那种平民生活的简单和悠闲,同时也描绘出生活中偶尔的尴尬与邂 逅的茫然,读后让人不得不严肃起来审视自我。
晓申的作品根据脸部的细微变化可以分成两部分,一是那些似乎带着自恋的甜蜜陶醉和 婴儿般单纯笑脸的大头人物像,这些作品多多少少可诠释作者不经意间袒露的内心世界那个 孩子般得希冀:希望自己永远不要长大,既是自然规律无法抗拒,但内心世界依然可以童心 不泯,或则我们可以拒绝长大,用简单不变的乐观态度面对纷繁人生。其二是作品中的人物 或凝神、闭目或跳跃、飞翔神态各异,无不用夸张线条勾画出喜剧般得诙谐场景,每个人物 的表情都是闲适的,但画面中迅疾帅气的直线线条却会给你一丝紧张感,与画面传递的悠闲 有种别扭的戏剧冲突,这种冲突恰好能够解读现实生活中不可名状的人与人之间那些微妙的 关系与冲突:自恋、陶醉、逍遥、蔑视、尴尬和茫然等等。就连那些个宠物鸟儿、狗儿们也 似乎受了主人的感染,与主人有着同样的表情。
作品中愉快的色彩和游刃有余具功力的笔触,在富有节奏感得简练的线条勾勒下,阐释 着简单背后的复杂和尴尬深处的柔情,所以我说吴晓申的作品是需要我们认真而又漫不经心 地阅读,需要我们严肃地读懂作者希望我们读懂的深刻的发自他内心深处的声音:我不要长 大...
We could get a glimpse of Wu Xiaoshen's humour and childlike naughtiness from the various figures in the street depicted in his oil paintings. The interpretation of his paintings is not just a wonderful visual experience. It is a process where alertness and ease should be mixed, a process where you derive a faint peace and some understanding pleasure. This understanding pleasure comes from the simplicity and leisureliness of common people's life as presented in these paintings, a life that is strewed with unexpected embarrassment and puzzlement. At the end of the appreciation, we viewers cant help to examine ourselves closely.
Xiaoshen's paintings could be divided into two kinds in accordance with the subtle difference of the painted figures' facial expressions. One kind is those bighearted figures wearing baby-like smiles, indulged in a narcissistic self-satisfaction. Paintings of this kind help to uncover the painter's childish with buried in the bottom of his heart, the with of never growing up.Though the natural laws are hardly resistible or reversible, we could choose to preserve the child-like naivety. Or we can even refuse to grow up and face the ups and downs of life with a constant optimism. The other kind of Xiaoshen's paintings put figures that either gaze away, mellow, leap or fly in comedic scenes sketched with exaggerative lines. All the figures wear a leisure expression, while the swift and calm brushwork brings about a sense of tension, a dramatic and awkward conflict is thus formed, which happens to echo with the indescribable and subtle interpersonal relations and conflicts in reality: narcissism, indulgence, contempt, embarrassment and puzzlement. Even those pets, birds or dogs, are deeply infected by their masters, putting on the same expression as the masters.
The pleasant colors, Xiaoshen's highly skillful brushwork, together with the rhythmic and concise lines, tell the complicity in the back of simplicity and expose the tender feelings buried in embarrassment.. Therefore I say the interpretation of Xiaoshen's works needs us to combine alertness and ease while we are standing in front of his art works. There is a voice uttering from the very bottom of the painter's, a voice that he hopes us to listen to and try to understand with serious-needs, saying:"I do not want to grow up..."
Art Critic: Yi Yi
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