展览时间:2011-12-04 ~ 2012-02-04
开幕时间:2011-12-04 15:00~18:00
契科夫说,“一个小说家不是解决问题的人,而是提出问题的人。”如果把文字换成绘画,那么他们应当具有相同的意义。 在艺术家的视野中,一切均是个问题。面对问题的无奈,艺术家没有必要承担起解答的职责,艺术也没有任何解答的意义,它只是提示了问题的存在,说白了,艺术本身已经是个问题。
2011年11月26日,aye gallery 将为您呈现十多件陈文骥的最新作品。这些作品依然保持了他近几年的绘画风格,以不同的形态来造成视觉感官上的异态反应。这些形态(或作品)依旧不具备任何意义,即不代表什么,也非指向什么,或许什么都不是,但又或许什么都是… …
Chekhov once said,” A novelist is not the one to solve problem, but the one to ask questions.” If we convert the literature into painting, they should have the same meaning. In the artist’s perspective, everything is a problem. The artist is not necessary to assume the responsibility of answering when they are facing the powerless of questions. There is even no meaning to answer. It just prompts the existence of questions. Plainly speaking, art itself is already a problem.
On November 26, 2011, aye gallery will show you dozen of pieces of Chen Wenji’s latest works. These works remain his painting style in recent years, resulting different reaction of visual sense by different forms. There forms (or works) still don’t have any meanings, not represent anything, nor point to anything. Maybe they are nothing, but perhaps they are everything……
- 2011-11-06 ~ 2011-11-18在一起——张雨辉个人油画作品展
- 2011-11-05 ~ 2011-11-30触镜——穿梭异视界
- 2011-11-06 ~ 2011-12-05抽离——郭伟作品(2010-2011)
- 2011-11-19 ~ 2011-11-28入景——蒋开发·王子宝·李院立·况明泉四人作品展
- 2011-12-17 ~ 2012-02-10什么人——仇敏业摄影展
- 2011-12-18 ~ 2012-01-28cctv/监控视频系统——章清个展
- 2011-12-17 ~ 2012-02-10童衣——张卫星物影作品展
- 2011-12-10 ~ 2012-01-08林欣个展——进化共同体
- 2011-11-18 ~ 2011-12-24寸·光阴——滕菲2011作品展
- 2011-11-19 ~ 2012-01-09多·少——五人展