展览时间:2011-11-26 ~
策 展 人:爱安娜·威特克
开幕时间:2011-11-26 16:00
凯特·唐妮 (Kate Downie) 相信任何空间皆有其诗性。艺术家在创作中呈现她的思考和所使用的媒介,把这个城市的身体体验化作城市自己的艺术语言。今年秋天,这在位苏格兰皇家艺术学 院工作的艺术家第二次来到北京。她所面对的这个城市,狭窄胡同中生活的拥挤和繁闹与宽宽大路旁摩天大楼和公寓的秩序感融合在一起。 在北京,哪里有什么“中等规模”一说。
由爱安娜·威特克(Iona Whittaker)策展,此次在哪里哪里艺术空间的展览是凯特在中国的第一个个展。艺术家将在空间墙上现场创作两幅大尺寸,内容反差的绘画;而您将也被邀请来一起见证这场绘画剧的开幕。艺术家和观众将在此次相遇中共同亲历这样的艺术现场。同时展出的还有其它相关作品,以及一部关于她在英国刚创作的行为绘画的电影;届时也是草场地哪里哪里当代艺术空间一周年的纪念日。
过去二十年里,凯特·唐妮在艺术道路上越走越远,成为英国最知名的艺术家之一。生活和工作于爱丁堡的她,在素描、油画和版画领域都享有很高的知名度。鲜为人知的是她创作的马路电影短片,最早是1989年在巴黎创作的《孩子玩塞车》(Child’s Play Traffic Jam,1989年),1999年在英国阿伯丁郡创作的《驾驭》(Driven,1999年),再到2007年在挪威创作的《沥青海》(The Asphalt Sea,2007年)和2011年的《媒人》(Matchmaker,2011年)。唐妮第一个大型个展于1982年在家乡艾伯丁举办。从那以后,她的作品在丹麦、挪威、荷兰、法国和美国相继展出。2004年到2006年间,唐妮任职苏格兰艺术家协会主席,并在2007年成为苏格兰皇家艺术学院的成员之一。我们可以在许多公共和私人收藏机构收藏中找到她的作品。
Kate Downie works on the principle that no space is denied the right to be poetic. To the artist’s mind and medium, the physical experience of a city entails its own artistic language. Returning to Beijing for the second time this autumn, the acclaimed Royal Scottish Academy artist meets a city whose fabric spans a rupture between the teeming, irregular accumulation of human life and possessions in narrow hutongs and the overarching, regular forms of skyscrapers and apartment blocks erected beside vast roadways; in this city, there is no ‘middle scale’.
Curated by Iona Whittaker, this solo exhibition will be the artist’s first in China. Two large-scale drawings with opposing content will be created live on the walls of the gallery. You are invited to witness this pictorial drama as it unfolds: its realisation marks a first-hand artistic event with which the encounter is a unique experience for both artist and audience. A series of supporting works and a film of the artist’s recent performance drawing in the UK complete the exhibition, which signals also the first year anniversary of contemporary art institute Where Where Art Space in Caochangdi.
Over the past 20 years, Kate Downie has established herself as one of the UK's leading artists, known equally for her drawing and printmaking as for her painting. Less well-known are her series of short performance Road Movies, initiated in Paris with ‘Child's Play Traffic Jam’ (1989) followed by ‘Driven’ (Aberdeenshire 1999), ‘The Asphalt Sea’ (Norway 2007), and ‘Matchmaker’ in 2011. Her first major solo show was in 1982 in her native Aberdeen; since then her work has been exhibited throughout the world including in Denmark, Norway, The Netherlands, France and the USA. Downie was President of the Society of Scottish Artists from 2004-2006, and was appointed a member of the Royal Scottish Academy in 2007. Her work is held in many public and private collections. Downie lives and works in Edinburgh.
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