展览时间:2011-12-10 ~ 2012-02-18
开幕时间:2011-12-10 15:00~17:00
陈蔚的艺术是她实际生活中的真实写照。在她人生的不同阶段,发生的各个不相同的成长故事,以及她个人精神在这个过程中挣扎,面对外界事物的各种反映,都给 了她后来的艺术创作带来巨大的影响。她是一个拥有丰富的魔幻的矛盾的个人世界的人,正如她在《一只鸟的自白》中这么说道:我乐于将自己的创作称为“世 界”。这个空间,是可以用来行走、游戏、试验、研究和消磨的地方。
“陈蔚的艺术赋予的是一种繁复、颤动与脆弱的结构,她似乎有意打乱了视觉的次序,将她日常生存和目光所及,切割成无数粼光闪闪的碎片,营造了真实和梦幻的 间隔与交集,并弥漫于悲悯、惆怅、神秘的视觉效果。这实际是在隐喻性地显示着她本身的经历、记忆和趣味,抑或也是一种相互关系的感触,一种相对应的吸 附。”这是冯博一对陈蔚的评价。
你是在自己的“世界”里自由穿行的吗?还是带着面具在表演着另一个自己?西方将艺术家称作“最诚实的预言者”:因为他们的陈述是如此诚实、无邪和裸露,甚 至直白到你不敢去面对。因为只有艺术,才能如此真实。也许我们在此只是把陈蔚带给我们的些许感动呈现在大众面前,借用她的眼睛,再去看这个世界中万物的千 姿、它们的深深浅浅和生生死死……
这些艺术作品仿佛记忆的碎片,缠绕着艺术家的人生轨迹往前盘绕。这里有她童年的迷幻与隐忍,成长中的脆弱与孤独,少女时期的坚持与困惑,以及经过徘徊、磨砺后,一个女人日趋的沉熟、静谧和秩序......在 这里,陈蔚用独属于她的艺术塑造着细腻、深刻的人生观,创造着属于自己的此生。正同冯博一在文中写道的那样:“陈蔚保持了自由与开放的创作状态,这种自由 的舒展,弥合了许多跳跃所产生的缝隙,使结构成为混然的整体,感觉的综合,以及在喧嚣的混世里浓缩了陈蔚无所谓的自我表现与独领风骚。”
On 10th December, 2011, Artmia Gallery is pleased to present a solo show of Chen Wei, All About Her Songs. This exhibition hopes to show the natural lives in the eyes of an artist as well as the colorful and unrestrained inner world.
"Chen Wei’s art bestows us a kind of structure which is inextricable, trembling and fragile. She seems to have scrambled the visual order intentionally through cutting all what she saw in daily life into countless shining fragments to construct a world mixed with crossed illusion and reality; moreover, sadness, melancholy and mystique featured her visual effect. Actually this is a metaphor of her personal experiences, memory and interest; maybe meanwhile it is also a kind of emotional stirrings and attachment upon the relationship in-between. In such a structure, I thought what Chen Wei would finally finish is the real condition of a fragile individual life seeking for all nerves and delicate emotions along her life trace in a background of chaos. Meanwhile, Chen Wei kept a free and open status in artistic creation. Many cracks emerged in leaps have been healed over by such free unfolding and thus the structure becomes a harmonious integrity of comprehensive senses, which is a microcosm of Chen Wei’s indifferent self-expression and unmatched vigor in this chaotic world." (by Feng Boyi)
Chen Wei (b. 1980) has had solo exhibitions at Hu Nan Provincial Museum in Chang Sha, Cei Ling Space in Chong Qing, Magee Gallery in Madrid and Chen Ling Hui Contemporary space in Chengdu. Furthermore, her works have been collected by Wahan Museum, Guanshanyue Museum, Shenzhen and Guangdong Museum. She currently lives and works in Chongqing, China.
- 2011-11-06 ~ 2011-11-18在一起——张雨辉个人油画作品展
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- 2011-12-18 ~ 2012-01-28cctv/监控视频系统——章清个展