展览时间:2011-12-03 ~ 2011-12-17
参展艺术家:Åsa Sjöström(瑞典)、Andrea Gjestvang(挪威)、Joakim Eskildsen(丹麦)、Johan Bävman(瑞典)、Knut Egil Wang(挪威)、Maarit Hohteri(芬兰)、Thomas Lekfeldt(丹麦)
支 持:挪威王国大使馆、挪威王国驻上海总领事馆、瑞典驻华大使馆、瑞典驻上海总领事馆、丹麦王国驻华大使馆、芬兰共和国大使馆、冰岛共和国大使馆、复旦大学上海视觉艺术学院、惠普材艺工房
开幕时间:2011-12-03 15:00
北欧纪录片电影节的宗旨是促进中国与北欧五国文化的交流和发展,繁荣记录片创作。北欧纪录片电影节每年通过不同主题将北欧纪录片创作的最新发展呈现给中国观众,同时也为观众提供交流的平台。 北欧纪录片电影是一个独立的非盈利组织,目的是推广北欧文化,通过放映记录片营造一个对社会,艺术和环境问题进行的探讨和交流的平台。电影节成立于2006年,最初是大山子国际艺术节的一部分。自2008年开始,北欧纪录片电影节开始与北京尤伦斯当代艺术中心合作。
Northern Europe evokes a lot of colorful imagery in the popular imagination: vikings, aurora borealis, children in fairy tales, women who scold their men, dour priests, gorgeous yet melancholy maidens…
In the process of the transferring of language in this multi-cultural region, despite differences, Nordic people lead similar lives, metaphorically related to the Nordic landscape itself: unique yet unified. From the gaze of a curious outsider, the similarities and contrasts manifest a fascinating tension, luring people to imagine and depict this exotic land, as they are enchanted by its myths and fairy tales.
But for the Nordic people themselves, apart from an inherent proximity to nature, they never hold back their desire to engage with the outside world. Through the images selected for this exhibition, we gain insight into the intricacies of the Scandinavian Peninsula, as well as the tracks of the photographers’ global travels. Consequently, these pictures present to us a common experience of humanity, geographically far away but sensuously intimate and close.
These images stand inquisitive and undisturbed. The photographers, most of whom share a media background, are both restricted by and benefit from a professional outlook and rigor. As a result, the pictures imply a delicate sensibility and inherent logic.
It would be better to say the young photographers in this exhibition are communicating with us a view toward life and society, rather than merely updating our Nordic impression: life is not all about waiting for the aurora borealis, but more often, one has to face the strenuous days and long dark nights of everyday life…
LENS Magazine is the premier social and cultural magazine in China, producing in depth photo reportage on a wide range of issues. It focuses on the important aspects of the human condition in the varied fields of economy, culture, social, arts as well as defining moments in world history. Over the past 6 years, as a supplement of the influential business and financial news magazine-CAIJING, Lens Magazine has a circulation of 200,000 around China.
NORDOX is an annual meeting point for Nordic documentary films held in Beijing and attracts a high presence of Chinese as well as international audiences in Beijing.
NORDOX is a not-for-profit organization, established with the purpose of spreading knowledge on Nordic culture in China and to create cross-cultural dialogue on society, art and the environment. The festival was established in 2006 as a part of the Dashanzi International Art Festival. Since 2008 NORDOX has been organized together with the Ullens Center for Contemporary Art (UCCA) at the 798 Art District in Beijing.
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