展览时间:2011-12-10 ~ 2012-01-19
开幕时间:2011-12-10 16:00
阿拉里奥画廊即将于2011年12月10日迎来北京艺术空间成立六周年庆典(2005-2011),并隆重推出中国新媒体艺术家冯梦波、缪晓春双个展《无限 Limitless》。
自阿拉里奥北京2005年成立以来,亚洲、尤其是中国新媒体艺术的发展就一直是阿拉里奥画廊持续关注的焦点,并分别于2007年、2009年推出可持续幻想-中国媒体艺术系列展览之1999-2007;喜马拉雅工程:汪建伟与娜里尼﹒马拉尼(Nalini Malani)双个展。展览以新媒体艺术在中国发展的时间为线索,深入艺术家在特定时间段的创作来探讨新媒体艺术在中国可持续发展的多种可能。同时还通过并置与比较中国及其他亚洲国家的新媒体艺术创作来呈现在全球当代艺术语境中亚洲国家间不同的历史背景、文化差异以及艺术家独特的思维方式。
在新媒体艺术大行其道的今天,伴随着新一轮的网络繁荣,其正在成为许多艺术家新的创作方法,并通过不断的融合尖端国际互联技术、视觉显现与互动科技来进行视觉作品创作。本次阿拉里奥画廊北京艺术空间荣幸的邀请到了冯梦波与缪晓春这两位一直活跃于中国新媒体艺术领域的艺术家来呈现他们最新的3D 影像作品。冯梦波自1992年以来即以电子游戏、互动技术为媒介进行创作多年。缪晓春则擅长运用最新的三维电脑技术来进行艺术创作,并用晶格状变形、通道和晶格点变形所产生的菱形叠加效果来呈现作品。本次两位艺术家将在《无限Limitless》展出新作,包含绘画、影像及互动装置。
本次展览也是阿拉里奥画廊与韩国三星 Samsung集团的首次合作。三星集团提供了 拥有应用程式与互联网浏览器的 3D Smart TV及相关技术支持。其最新的局域控光技术(Micro Dimming)可将作品的视觉效果还原到最真实、自然的层面。两位艺术家多元的新作将呈现给观众一场视听飨宴,带领观众体验一场无限想象之旅。
《无限 Limitless》展览将在北京1号展厅内举行,展览期间为2011年12月10日至2012年1月19日。
缪晓春,出于1964年,现居和生活于北京,并现任于中央美术学院摄影与数码媒体工作室。他擅长运用数码媒体与摄影创作。作品结合三维电脑动画截屏,以呈现更多元的视觉效果。缪晓春被认为是中国新媒体艺术中最具代表性的艺术家之一,近期的展览包括,《出窍记》2011,北京798白盒子艺术馆、《缪晓春》,2011,波兰比亚韦斯托克市立阿森纳美术馆、《缪晓春-北京手卷和摄影》,2011,德国柏林瓜尔蒂尼基金会画廊、《宏观狂》,2010,德国科布伦茨路德维希博物馆、《缪晓春 两个大录像》,2010、北京今日美术馆。
冯梦波,出于1966年,现居和生活于北京,1991年毕业于中央美术学院版画系,2004年荣获优异奖(互动艺术):冯梦波:“阿 ,Prix Ars Electronica - 2004年国际电脑艺术竞赛,现为中央美术学院客座教授。他最受欢迎的作品包括《Ah_Q》 (2002, 电子游戏装置, 荣获2004年奥地利林茨电子艺术大奖),《长征: 重启》 (2008, 电子游戏装置,纽约现代艺术博物馆收藏,2010于纽约PSI 美术馆展出)。近期个展为《梦波2012》,2011今日美术馆,北京、《冯梦波》,2010,PS1,纽约、《西游记》,2010,沪申画廊,上海、《比特》,2010,前波画廊,纽约、《重启》,2009,尤伦斯当代艺术中心,北京。
About Limitless -2011) on December 10th, 2011, and will also present China's pioneering media artists Feng Limitless Since the establishment of Arario Beijing in 2005, Arario Gallery has focused on the development of Chinese new media art. In 2007 and 2009, Arario Gallery exhibited the two Sustainable Imagination- Media Arts in China exhibition The exhibitions utilized the time frame of Chinese new media art, and elaborated plore the possibilities of sustainable development of Chinese new media art. Meanwhile, through the juxtaposition and comparison of new media art from both China and other Asian countries, the exhibition focused on the differences between various Asian art context of the global contemporary art scene.
For this event, Arario Gallery is honored to invite Feng Mengbo and Miao Xiaochun, the representative Chinese new media artists, to present their latest 3D artwork. Since 1992, Feng Mengbo has used video game and interactive technology to create art. ill display their new work, including paintings, video and installation.
Moreover, the Arario Gallery has cooperated with Samsung Group for the very first time in this exhibition with its sponsorship of the featured new media artists. Samsung has generously provided its 3D Smart TV technology, which is equipped with the optical technology (Micro Dimming) can display higher resolution images to ensure our audience will have a magnificent experience at our show. The variety in their art represents an unparalleled diversity in media art with the potential to lead viewers to explore a limitless expanse of creativity.
will be held in Beijing Exhibition Hall No.1. The duration will be December 10th, 2011 to January 19th, 2012.
About the Artists
Miao Xiaochun, born in 1964, now lives in Beijing, and currently works in the photography and digital media studio of Central Academy of Fine Arts as a lecturer. He specializes in the use of digital media and photography creation. His works is combined with three-dimensional computer animation screen shots to show more polybasic visual effects. Miao Xiaochun is considered to be one of the most representative artists in China's new media art. His recent exhibitions include Record of spirit leaves 2011, Beijing 798 White Box Museum of Art, Miao Xiaochun, 2011, Poland Bialystok Arsenal Museum, Miao Xiaochun - Beijing Hand Scroll and Photography, 2011, Germany Berlin Guardini Foundation Gallery, Macro-Mad, 2010, Germany Koblenz Ludwig Museum, Miao Xiaochun - two great videos, 2010, Beijing Today Art Museum.
Feng Mengbo, born in 1966, now lives in Beijing, graduated from the Printmaking Department of Central Academy of Fine Arts in 1991. He was awarded the Merit Award in 2004 (Interactive Arts): Feng Mengbo: "Ah Q", Prix Ars Electronica - 2004 the International Computer Art competition. Now he is the visiting professor at the Central Academy of Fine Arts. His most popular works includes Ah Q (2002, electronic game devices, won the 2004 Austria Linz Electronic Arts Award), Long March: Restart (2008, electronic gaming devices, New York Museum of Modern Art,
in 2010 show in New York PSI Art Museum). Recent solo exhibitions are Menghbo 2012; 2011 Today Art Museum; Beijing, Feng Mengbo, 2010, PS1; New York, Journey to the West; 2010, Shanghai Gallery; Shanghai, Bits, 2010, Chambers Fine Art; New York,Restart, 2009, Ullens Center for Contemporary Art, Beijing.
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