展览时间:2011-12-02 ~ 2011-12-08
策 展 人:倪昆
参展艺术家:Günes Terkol
开幕时间:2011-12-02 19:30
“河上的梦”的概念是基于我这次在重庆举办的一次工作坊。参加工作坊的人员都是来自重庆本地的女性, 2011年11月28日的时候,我们一起在器·Haus空间的展厅里进行了这次主题为‘生活的梦想’的活动。在展厅中,我通过装置和记录影像的方式来还原这个现场,这是可持续展开进行的来自生活的讨论和想象。在展厅的其它位置,还有两组录像作品,其一为我在重庆驻留期间创作的,名字叫“There is no time to go没时间去”;另外一件作品有出现在我来中国前最新的展览上,作品名字叫“"They were trying to climb against the current她们试图逆着现状向上爬”。
我的另外一件作品是讨论‘手工制作’这个概念的,它来源于某种偶然。我们都知道,“手工指南”是教大家如何通过自己的手来制作东西,而不是强调教你如何使用某种工具。我之所以产生了这个念头是因为我在重庆准备开始工作时,摆在我面前的其实是一台老旧了的旧式缝纫机,它确实已经很老了,以至于无法工作。在我尝试对它进行修复的过程中,我在它里面发现了一本关于缝纫机的操作手册,这本手册并非是用在怎样操控机器,而是如何引导手的操作。因此,由于机器坏了,手册也就失去了它的实际目的,但是,它也就被转化成了别的东西,不同于其初衷的关于指导手的操作手册。“only hands只是手”,成了对谁在工具和机器背后工作的提醒。
Güneş Terkol(1981年生于土耳其安卡拉市) ,土耳其Ha Za Vu Zu艺术小组的成员。Terkol擅于从她周围搜集的资料和故事中获得灵感,并通过缝制的方法,利用影像、绘画和音乐的方式来进行表现。她阐述的主题,通常会以一种幽默的方式在她的作品里呈现。艺术家所长期关注的是关于女性面对适应社会和文化变革所表现出的顺应或者抗拒的状态。Terkol的创作实践在土耳其当代社会中产生了一定的影响。而艺术家通过回收布料的缝制和使用的行为,本身也成为了某种呼唤独立的反抗行为的产物,更是当代艺术的扩张的具体表现。
特别感谢:杨西 梁英 张翰文 吴艳 文静 佘陈琦 九九
"Dreams on the River"
Günes Terkol
"Dreams on the River", exhibitions based on workshop with women from Chongqing. They made a workshop at Organhaus Gallery in 28 November 2011. It was about dreaming about life. There is an installation about the workshop and a documentary video about the process.
And also there are two videos, one of which is made by during the residency. It's called "There is no time to go" and the other one is "They were trying to climb against the current" from last exhibition's Terkol's.
Another work is about working by hands. For example "guide for hands" is about how to use your hands, not about using tools with hands. The story comes from a broken old sewing machine. Even if she couldn't work with this old machine, she managed to draw upon the user's manual she found within it. The manual was used, not to operate the machine, but to guide the positions of hands. Hence, the manual became void of its practical purpose due to the fact that the machine was broken, but it was transformed into something else, paradoxically different from its very first meaning intended (to teach how to use a tool with hands), guiding now the positioning of hands, "only hands" and became a reminder of who works behind the tools and the machines...
Güneş Terkol (1981, Ankara), a member of Ha Za Vu Zu artist group, Terkol takes inspiration from her immediate surroundings, collecting materials and stories, which she weaves into her sewing pieces, videos, sketches and musical compositions. The protagonists of her narratives, humorously represented by Terkol in her work, are usually women adapting or refusing to adapt to the social and cultural transformations that affect contemporary Turkey. The act of sewing and using recycled fabrics becomes, in itself, an act of resistance which claims back a form of independent production and widens access to contemporary art.
special thanks for workshop participants:
Yang Xi Liang Ying Zhang Hanwen Wu Yan LeiLeo Wen Jing She Chenqi
Jiu Jiu
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