展览时间:2011-12-17 ~ 2011-12-18
策 展 人:Le Momo Electronique
参展艺术家:Sarah Buckius、Piero Chiariello、Guglielmo Emmolo、Harvey Goldman、Mattias Harenstam、Igor Imhoff、Mario Raoli、Ingeborg Stana、Lino Strangis
协办单位:Lab-Yit | The Italian Contemporary Art Platform in China、意大利文化处(北京)、罗马大学孔子学院
开幕时间:2011-12-17 15:00
白盒子艺术馆荣幸地宣布,12月17日-18日,本馆将举办“ InsideOut Step2 里面外、外面里II —— 西方影像艺术最新趋势”展,参展作品选自第一、第二届罗马国际影像艺术节,由意大利罗马应用多媒体艺术研究中心推荐。参展作品包括由Le Momo Electronique策展委员会收藏的最引人入胜的作品。Le Momo Electronique策展委员会多年来对意大利及其他国际影像作品关注尤甚(特别是40以下艺术家作品)。参加本次展览的年轻艺术家,很多已经取得了意大利及其他重要国际大奖的奖项,并且在国际上取得了相当的知名度。
“InsideOut Step2 里面外、外面里II —— 西方影像艺术最新趋势”展是“里面外、外面里”项目自2010以来第二次活动。第一次“ 里面外、外面里”项目展览是于2010年在罗马与中国当代影像艺术大师张培力合作举办的,意大利应用多媒体艺术研究中心希望在西方与远东之间建立一个稳定的影像艺术交流基础。
在今下的北京,推广国际影像艺术家是一件历史性的重要事件,特别考虑到中国不仅即将成为世界经济领域的主要参考,并且也必将在文化领域占有重要的驱动地位。白盒子艺术馆与意大利应用多媒体艺术研究中心很高兴迈出当代影像艺术文化交流合作的第一步,并且非常感谢Lab-Yit | The Italian Contemporary Art Platform in China, 意大利文化处 (北京),罗马大学孔子学院的支持。
Sarah Buckius – 困在像素里, 53”, 2008
Piero Chiariello –走在阿布鲁佐的海滩(10条水平线), 1’06”, 2011
Guglielmo Emmolo – Caos Phaos, 3’20”, 2011
Harvey Goldman – Sabinium, 8’50”, 2007
Mattias Harenstam – 闭路循环 (瑞典中部), 3’01”, 2011
Igor Imhoff – 白色小圆点, 4’20”, 2011
Mario Raoli – RGB, 6’35”, 2010
Ingeborg Stana – 迷失树林, 4’, 2011
Lino Strangis – 迎奥运, 3’34”,2009
InsideOut Step2
Latest trends of Western Videoart
On December 17th and 18th White Box Museum of Art has the pleasure to open its door to InsideOut Step2 – Latest trends in Western Videoart, an international selection from the first two editions of Arte Video Roma Festival proposed by C.A.R.M.A. - Applied Multimedia Art and Research Center (Rome, Italy). The selection will include some of the most interesting works collected by the curatorial board Le Momo Electronique during its several years monitoring work on Italian and foreign productions, with a special attention to works from artists under-40. Although quite young, many of the artists have already won important awards in Italy and in other countries, and several are widely known into international circuits.
Nine Artists from America, North Europe and Italy will be screened in the prestigious Media Center of White Box Museum of Art. As the curators explain, "Even if each artist has his own particular characteristics, specific methods of work and personal research directions, they have in common some precise elements, some specific trends, a certain approach to technologies and some theoretical understandings. In all cases, these works show a "narrative" level that is clearly and radically experimental, not just from the technological point of view (even if they often use the most advanced devices and methods of production), but especially with regard to construction of metaphors: no dialogue, no story, no drama... These artists, by using the language of "pure audiovision", are trying to bring to reality possibilities of meaning forbidden to forms of expression that are centered on the word... It is never a surrogate of reality but an original phenomenon, readable in its natural evolution of the form... Exactly by reading the directions of these mutations, conceived and practiced as writing, symbolic but yet mobile, we can often find their main access points to its sense”.
InsideOut Step2 is the second Phase of the Project InsideOut in 2010. Since the event was held in Rome in collaboration with Zhang Peili, the master of Chinese Video Art in China, C.A.R.M.A has shown its intent to create a basis for the construction of a stable flow of exchanges, with regard to this form of expression, between the West and the Far East.
White Box Museum, as a relevant supporter of Chinese Video Artists since 2009, has seen a common of intent between these two important No-profit institutions.
The promotion of these international artists in Beijing today is an important historical event, especially considering that China is about to become not only one of the main reference point in the economic sector, but also one of the major driving regions in the cultural field. White Box Museum of Art and C.A.R.M.A. are really pleased to collaborate for this First step of cultural exchange with also the support of the Italian Cultural Institute in Beijing ( IIC ) , Lab-Yit | The Italian Contemporary Art Platform in China, and Confucius Institute – Sapienza University of Rome.
Artists and works
Sarah Buckius – Trapped Inside Pixels, 53”, 2008
Piero Chiariello – Walking on a beach of Abruzzo (10 horizontal lines), 1’06”, 2011
Guglielmo Emmolo – Caos Phaos, 3’20”, 2011
Harvey Goldman – Sabinium, 8’50”, 2007
Mattias Harenstam – Closed circuit (In the middle of Sweden), 3’01”, 2011
Igor Imhoff – Small white dots, 4’20”, 2011
Mario Raoli – RGB, 6’35”, 2010
Ingeborg Stana – Lost in the woods, 4’, 2011
Lino Strangis – Ying Aoyun, 3’34”,2009
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