展览时间:2011-12-17 ~ 2012-01-08
策 展 人:钟家俊
开幕酒会:2011-12-17 17:00
Dajian Huineng/ Huineng of Sixth and Last Patriarch once said, “Fundamentally there is not a single thing, where could any dust be attracted?” Many had heard the saying from Chán Buddhism, but one may has their own interpretation of the sentence. As one of the four awardees of New Trend 2011, Oscar Chan has his own reading of these words. He observed his muse from the “free and ease” of Chán Buddhism and created a series of works that are corresponding in his first solo exhibition. The artist created a series of mixed media pieces to present his thoughts and provide a sensible aspect to discover the “existence”, “nothingness”, “void”, and “solidity” of life.
The exhibition evolved from the artist’s bit and pieces of life experiences: His work “Scar” was based on a major brain operation in childhood, while working, Chan reflected his helplessness from the scar and his life, by relating his scar to other personal wound in livelihood. In the mean time, with the work “Since All is Void”, which titled the exhibition, he transformed the exhibition space into an obscure /ambiguity surrounding by using painted images on tiles.
The artist also tried to chew on our obsession and ease towards the elements of real and unreal, solid and void, of all existences, with his own visual experiences.
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