展览时间:2011-12-15 ~ 2011-12-25
总 策 划:台双垣
策 展 人:罗敏
The bible is not only a religious works, but also is a precious historical literature, so that it is in the process of western civilization to one of the important points. Therefore, we have many art works about love of bible in different time.
During Christmas last year, a group of Chinese artist through by the oil painting, Chinese painting, calligraphy, sculptures and other forms held the “Bible and Love” theme exhibition that it caused social concern of all parties and a positive impact. Thus, we hold the second “Bible and Love” theme art exhibition with the positive preparation.
With the development of history and human civilization and progress of society, science and technology in the practical field adjust and change people's communication at the same time, but it didn’t block the link between traditional and us. However, love opened the way of the cognitive domain to take us back to the essence part. And artists always created the works by Christianity that expressed the feeling of themselves.
From the sight of scientific point, it reflects not only the contemporary social, political, economic, religious, and cultural and the history of the war, but reflects the human visual perception of human history and creates visual form with self with symbols of human visual cognitive process description. The artist display the image to masses so that provides a new attitude by the art works to look at your life, social and survey of subjective world of human cognition value definition and thinking.
Love is the inherent nature of all emotions, she can cross the racial, religious and across the region, the space and time, in the way of performance art love theme to express the emotion, transmission and sharing.
Therefore, we organize the artists and many compassion public figures to hold the theme exhibition by the different tools, techniques and perspective to express the stories of bible. The second theme exhibition of “Bible and Love” including art works of China(mainland), Hong Kong, Taiwan, USA, South Korean, and Singapore. On December 17 (Saturday), the opening ceremony of the activities will play a special film and have a Beijing Korean Young Teenage Choir performance, besides, the charity event will be held for the pupils of sun village at the same time. Meanwhile, the theme of love will open the heart and express the philanthropic colorful emotion.
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