展览时间:2012-02-19 ~ 2012-04-01
参展艺术家:Andreas Amrhein、Ruediger Schoell、康剑飞、谭平
谭平,出生在北京的艺术家,90年代初就读于柏林艺术学院,与同龄的柏林艺术家Andreas Amrhein和Ruediger Schoell相遇。他们被彼此作品所吸引,北京-柏林项目就此成形,并得以深入发展。首次合作的蚀刻版画系列,灵感源于歌德《西东合集》(1819)中的一行诗句:"知己知彼的人啊/亦将明了/东方与西方/再不能分隔"
Alexander Ochs first presented a large series of etchings by the "Beijing - Berlin Project" in a well- praised printmaking exhibition in 1996, held at the Haus der Kunst in Munich, Germany.
The Beijing-born artist, Tan Ping studied at the HdK ( University of the Arts in Berlin ) in the early 1990s, where he met two Berliner artists of the same age, Andreas Amrhein and Ruediger Schoell. They were fascinated by each other's work and formed the "Project" together, which was later reinforced. For their first series, they produced etchings where Goethe's line from the 1819 published poem series "West-Eastern Divan" springs to mind: "He who knows himself and others / will also recognize / Orient and Occident / are no longer separable".
The artists, who usually work as abstract or figurative painters and graphic artists, etched motifs individually, and later printed these randomly on top of each other. The repeated printing of different motifs makes the authorship of the individual no longer visible. Through this, the works appear to come from the hand of one artist who has a very extensive understanding of both Asian and European culture.
The group met for their cooperation a second time, this time continuing with the woodcut technique. As etchings originate from Germany and woodcuts from China, Tan Ping, who is currently vice president of CAFA - Central Academy of Fine Arts, Beijing, invited the artists to Guanlan / China. The cooperation between the now experienced artists - including the addition of Kang Jianfei - continued in the same manner. However, it should be noted that in the past 20 years each artist has developed in a very individual and different way, which is clearly recognizable.
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